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There are 8 words ending with OTONE

AEROTONEAEROTONE n. a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air.
BOTONEbotoné adj. Alternative form of botony.
BOTONE adj. having buds or knobs at the extremity, applied to a cross, also BOTONEE, BOTONNEE, BOTTONY.
DUOTONEduotone n. Any picture printed in two shades of the same colour, such as a duotype or duograph.
duotone adj. Having two tones.
DUOTONE n. a drawing etc. done in two tones or colours.
ECOTONEecotone n. A transition area between two adjacent ecological communities (ecosystems).
ECOTONE n. a transition area between two adjacent ecological communities.
ISOTONEisotone n. (Physics) Any of a number of nuclides of different elements that have the same number of neutrons.
isotone adj. (Mathematics) monotone nondecreasing.
ISOTONE n. one of a number of nuclides having the same number of neutrons in the nucleus with differing numbers of protons.
MICROTONEmicrotone n. (Music) Any interval smaller than a semitone.
MICROTONE n. an interval less than a semitone.
MONOTONEmonotone adj. (Of speech or a sound) Having a single unvaried pitch.
monotone adj. (Mathematics) Being, or having the salient properties of, a monotone function.
monotone n. A single unvaried tone of speech or a sound.
ORTHOTONEorthotone adj. (Grammar) Retaining the accent; not enclitic; said of certain indefinite pronouns and adverbs when used…
ORTHOTONE adj. taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also ORTHOTONIC.
ORTHOTONE n. an orthotone word.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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