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There are 7 words ending with OTINE

NICOTINEnicotine n. (Organic chemistry) An alkaloid (C10H14N2), commonly occurring in the tobacco plant. In small doses…
nicotine n. (Figuratively) Tobacco, cigarettes.
NICOTINE n. a poisonous alkaloid in tobacco, also NICOTIN.
SEROTINEserotine n. Any of several small bats of the genus Eptesicus.
serotine adj. (Botany) late-flowering.
SEROTINE n. (Latin) a kind of bat, named for its habit of appearing late in the evening.
BARBOTINEbarbotine n. A soft clay used for moulding or decorating pottery.
BARBOTINE n. (French) a paste of clay used in decorating coarse pottery in relief.
NARCOTINEnarcotine n. An alkaloid found in opium.
NARCOTINE n. an alkaloid found in opium, and extracted as a white crystalline substance, tasteless and less poisonous than morphine.
TRICOTINEtricotine n. A double twill fabric of tightly twisted yarns.
TRICOTINE n. a double-twilled worsted fabric.
GUILLOTINEguillotine n. (Historical, also figuratively) A machine used for the application of capital punishment by decapitation…
guillotine n. (By extension).
guillotine v. To use a guillotine (on someone or something).
PYRRHOTINEpyrrhotine n. (Mineralogy) pyrrhotite.
PYRRHOTINE n. magnetic pyrites, an iron sulphide, often containing nickel, also PYRRHOTITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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