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There are 16 words ending with OSTER

BILLPOSTERbillposter n. One who posts handbills or posters in public places.
BILLPOSTER n. one who sticks up bills, also BILLSTICKER.
BOOSTERbooster n. Something that boosts.
booster n. The first stage of a multistage rocket that provides the thrust for liftoff and the initial flight.
booster n. A motor-generator set used for voltage regulation in direct current electrical power circuits.
COMPOSTERcomposter n. A person or business that composts waste.
composter n. A container for producing compost.
COMPOSTER n. an apparatus for converting garden waste into compost.
COSTERcoster n. Clipping of costermonger.
coster n. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Acraea.
Coster prop.n. A surname.
DEFROSTERdefroster n. A device for removing frost or ice from a surface or food by applying heat.
DEFROSTER n. something that defrosts.
FLYPOSTERflyposter n. One who illegally posts flyers or similar material in public places.
flyposter n. A flyer, poster, etc. that is illegally posted in a public place.
fly-poster n. A poster, especially for advertisement purposes, put up illegally.
FOSTERfoster adj. Providing parental care to children not related to oneself.
foster adj. Receiving such care.
foster adj. Related by such care.
GOSTERGOSTER v. (dialect) to laugh uncontrollably.
IMPOSTERimposter n. Alternative spelling of impostor.
IMPOSTER n. one who poses as another to deceive, also IMPOSTOR.
PATERNOSTERpaternoster n. (Christianity) The Lord’s prayer, especially in a Roman Catholic context.
paternoster n. A slow, continuously moving lift or elevator consisting of a loop of open-fronted cabins running the…
paternoster n. (Architecture) A bead-like ornament in mouldings.
POSTERposter n. A picture of a celebrity, an event etc., intended to be attached to a wall.
poster n. An advertisement to be posted on a pole, wall etc. to advertise something.
poster n. (Internet) One who posts a message.
ROOSTERrooster n. (North America, Kent, Australia, New Zealand) A male domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) or…
rooster n. A bird or bat which roosts or is roosting.
rooster n. (Figuratively, obsolete slang) An informer.
ROSTERroster n. A list of individuals or groups, usually for an organization of some kind such as military officers…
roster n. A list of the jobs to be done by members of an organization and often with the date/time that they are…
roster n. A schedule or timetable setting out shift times and dates for each employee of a business.
SNOLLYGOSTERsnollygoster n. (Slang, obsolete) A shrewd person not guided by principles, especially a politician.
SNOLLYGOSTER n. a shrewd unprincipled person, esp. a dishonest politician.
WALLPOSTERWALLPOSTER n. in China, a bulletin or political message painted in large characters on walls.
ZOSTERzoster n. (Countable) An ancient Greek waist-belt for men.
zoster n. (Uncountable, pathology) The disease called herpes zoster (from the typically beltlike pattern of its rash); shingles.
ZOSTER n. (Greek) an ancient Greek waistbelt for men.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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