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There are 20 words ending with ORITE

ANCHORITEanchorite n. One who lives in isolation or seclusion, especially for religious reasons; hermit.
ANCHORITE n. one who lives in seclusion, usually for religious reasons, also ANCHORET.
CHLORITEchlorite n. (Mineralogy) A dark green mineral resembling serpentine, being a mixed silicate of magnesium, iron and aluminium.
chlorite n. (Chemistry, countable) Any salt of chlorous acid.
CHLORITE n. a chlorine compound.
COFAVORITEcofavorite n. A joint favorite to win a sporting event.
COFAVORITE n. a joint favourite.
DIORITEdiorite n. (Petrology) A grey intrusive igneous rock composed mostly of plagioclase feldspar, biotite, hornblende…
DIORITE n. a crystalline granular igneous rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
EPIDIORITEepidiorite n. A greenish metamorphic rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
EPIDIORITE n. a dioritic or gabbroitic rock more or less metamorphosed.
EVAPORITEevaporite n. The salty, crusty sediment that remains after sea water evaporates.
EVAPORITE n. a sedimentary rock formed by the evaporation of salt water e.g. halite.
FAVORITEfavorite adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of favourite.
favorite n. (American spelling) Alternative form of favourite.
favorite v. (American spelling) Alternative form of favourite.
FLUORITEfluorite n. (Mineralogy) A widely occurring mineral (calcium fluoride), of various colours, used as a flux in steelmaking…
FLUORITE n. a mineral form of calcium fluoride, also FLUOR.
GRANODIORITEgranodiorite n. (Petrology) An intrusive igneous rock similar to granite, but containing more plagioclase than potassium feldspar.
GRANODIORITE n. an igneous plutonic rock, less felsic than granite.
HYPOCHLORITEhypochlorite n. (Chemistry) any salt of hypochlorous acid; used as a household bleach.
HYPOCHLORITE n. a salt of hypochlorous acid.
LABORITElaborite n. (Politics) a supporter of a labor movement.
laborite n. (Politics) a member of a political party supporting labor.
Laborite n. (Australian politics) a member or supporter of the Australian Labor Party, the left wing party of Australia.
LABRADORITElabradorite n. (Mineralogy) A plagioclase feldspar mineral, calcium sodium aluminum silicate, often very coarsely crystalline…
LABRADORITE n. a triclinic silicate of the plagioclase feldspar series which may show a bluish or multicoloured iridescence.
MADREPORITEmadreporite n. (Zoology) A calcareous opening in the body of echinoderms which connects the water vascular system to the environment.
madreporite n. (Archaic, paleontology) A fossil stony coral, or a deposit composed of the same.
MADREPORITE n. in echinoderms, a perforated plate serving as opening to the stone canal.
METEORITEmeteorite n. A metallic or stony object or body that is the remains of a meteoroid.
METEORITE n. a meteor that has fallen to earth as a lump of stone or metal.
MICROMETEORITEmicrometeorite n. An extraterrestrial particle, less than a millimeter in size, that has survived entry into the atmosphere…
MICROMETEORITE n. a very small meteorite.
NORITEnorite n. A granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar (such as labradorite) and hypersthene.
NORITE n. a type of rock, a gabbro with rhombic pyroxene.
PHOSPHORITEphosphorite n. (Mineralogy) a sedimentary rock rich in phosphate minerals such as apatite.
PHOSPHORITE n. fibrous apatite.
TENORITEtenorite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of cupric oxide.
TENORITE n. a triclinic oxide of copper occurring in minute iron-grey scales or black masses.
THORITEthorite n. (Mineralogy) A radioactive mineral, composed mostly of thorium silicate (ThSiO4), along with silicates…
THORITE n. a silicate of thorium.
UNFAVORITEunfavorite adj. (Informal) Not preferred; in particular, especially disliked.
unfavorite n. (Informal) Something that is not a favourite; particularly something that is especially disliked.
unfavorite v. (Internet, transitive) To remove from one’s list of favorites.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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