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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 12 nine-letter words ending with ONAGE

CARTONAGECARTONAGE n. (French) papyrus or linen soaked in plaster, shaped around a body; used for mummy masks and coffins, also CARTONNAGE.
COMMONAGEcommonage n. The condition of land that is held in common.
commonage n. The right to pasture animals on common land.
commonage n. Shared land; a common.
ESPIONAGEespionage n. The act or process of learning secret information through clandestine means.
ESPIONAGE n. the practice of spying.
GABIONAGEgabionage n. A structure made of gabions (cylinders filled with stones).
GABIONAGE n. the part of a fortification built of gabions.
GALLONAGEgallonage n. An amount of liquid measured in gallons.
GALLONAGE n. an amount in gallons; the rate of use in gallons.
MATRONAGEmatronage n. The collective body of matrons.
matronage n. The state of being a matron.
MATRONAGE n. the state of a matron.
PARSONAGEparsonage n. The residence of the minister of a parish.
parsonage n. (Obsolete) The house, lands, tithes, etc. set apart for the support of the minister of a parish.
PARSONAGE n. the home of a parson.
PATRONAGEpatronage n. The act of providing approval and support; backing; championship.
patronage n. Customers collectively; clientele; business.
patronage n. The act or state of being a customer of some business.
PERSONAGEpersonage n. A person, especially one who is famous or important.
personage n. The creation of corporate persons named after living people. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
personage n. Character represented; external appearance; persona.
SIPHONAGEsiphonage n. The action of a siphon.
SIPHONAGE n. the action of a siphon, also SYPHONAGE.
SYPHONAGEsyphonage n. Alternative form of siphonage.
SYPHONAGE n. the action of a syphon, also SIPHONAGE.
TAMPONAGEtamponage n. (Medicine) The use of a tampon; a tamponade.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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