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There are 19 nine-letter words ending with OLATE

ALVEOLATEalveolate adj. Having a structure containing honeycomb-like cavities.
alveolate n. (Biology) A member of a grouping of protists comprising the ciliates, sporozoa and dinoflagellates.
ALVEOLATE adj. of or like a honeycomb.
CHOCOLATEchocolate n. (Chiefly uncountable) A food made from ground roasted cocoa beans.
chocolate n. (Chiefly uncountable) A drink made by dissolving this food in boiling milk or water.
chocolate n. (Countable) A single, small piece of confectionery made from chocolate.
CILIOLATEciliolate adj. (Botany) covered in cilia (small hairs).
CILIOLATE adj. fringed with very short fine hairs.
CONSOLATEconsolate adj. (Humorous) Comforted, consoled.
consolate v. (Obsolete) To console; to comfort.
CONSOLATE v. (Shakespeare) to console.
FAVEOLATEfaveolate adj. Having cavities or cells like those of a honeycomb.
FAVEOLATE adj. honeycombed.
FOLIOLATEfoliolate adj. Of or pertaining to leaflets of a plant.
FOLIOLATE adj. composed of or relating to leaflets, also FOLIOLOSE.
FOVEOLATEfoveolate adj. Having small pits or depressions, like the receptacle in some composite flowers.
FOVEOLATE adj. like a foveola, a small depression, also FOVEOLATED.
HARIOLATEhariolate v. (Formal, rare) To predict; to prophesy.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
INVIOLATEinviolate adj. Not violated; free from violation or hurt of any kind; secure against violation or impairment.
inviolate adj. Incorruptible.
INVIOLATE adj. not violated; uninjured, also INVIOLATED.
LINEOLATElineolate adj. (Zoology) Marked with little lines.
lineolate adj. (Botany) Marked longitudinally with fine lines.
LINEOLATE adj. marked with fine lines, also LINEOLATED.
OSTIOLATEostiolate adj. Having an ostiole.
OSTIOLATE adj. having an opening.
PERCOLATEpercolate v. (Transitive) To pass a liquid through a porous substance; to filter.
percolate v. (Intransitive) To drain or seep through a porous substance.
percolate v. (Transitive) To make (coffee) in a percolator.
PETIOLATEpetiolate adj. Petiolated (connected to a stem by means of a petiole).
petiolate n. Such a leaf.
PETIOLATE adj. having a petiole, a leafstalk, also PETIOLATED, PETIOLED.
PHENOLATEphenolate n. (Chemistry) phenoxide.
PHENOLATE n. a compound of phenol analogous to a salt, also PHENATE.
PHENOLATE v. to subject to the action of a phenolate.
REVIOLATEreviolate v. To violate again.
REVIOLATE v. to violate again.
SEGHOLATEsegholate adj. Alternative form of segolate.
segholate n. Alternative form of segolate.
SEGHOLATE n. in Hebrew, a disyllabic noun form with a tone-long vowel in the first and a short seghol in the second syllable, also SEGOLATE.
URCEOLATEurceolate adj. (Botany) Shaped like an urn.
urceolate adj. Having an urceolus.
URCEOLATE adj. shaped like a pitcher.
VACUOLATEvacuolate v. (Cytology) to develop or form vacuoles.
VACUOLATE adj. having vacuoles, also VACUOLATED.
VARIOLATEvariolate adj. Having the appearance of smallpox.
variolate v. To infect with smallpox.
VARIOLATE v. to inoculate with smallpox.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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