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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 11 eight-letter words ending with ORTER

ASSORTERassorter n. One who assorts, or arranges by class or category.
ASSORTER n. one who assorts.
CAVORTERcavorter n. One who cavorts.
CAVORTER n. one who cavorts.
DEHORTERdehorter n. (Obsolete) A dissuader; an adviser to the contrary.
DEHORTER n. a dissuader; an adviser to the contrary.
DEPORTERdeporter n. One who deports.
DEPORTER n. one who deports.
EXHORTERexhorter n. (Rare) A person who exhorts.
exhorter n. (Protestantism) A lay preacher.
EXHORTER n. one who exhorts or incites.
EXPORTERexporter n. One who, or that which, exports: especially a person who or organization that exports or sells goods…
EXPORTER n. one who exports.
EXTORTERextorter n. One who practices extortion.
EXTORTER n. one who extorts.
IMPORTERimporter n. One who, or that which, imports: especially a person or company importing goods into a country.
IMPORTER n. one that imports.
REPORTERreporter n. Someone or something that reports.
reporter n. A journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers, radio and television.
reporter n. A person who records and issues official reports of judicial or legislative proceedings.
RESORTERresorter n. One who resorts; a frequenter.
RESORTER n. one who resorts.
RETORTERretorter n. One who retorts.
RETORTER n. one who retorts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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