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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 8 eight-letter words ending with ORIAL

ARMORIALarmorial adj. (Heraldry) Of, or relating to heraldry, or to heraldic arms.
armorial n. A book etc concerning heraldry, especially a collection of coats of arms.
armorial adj. (Rare) In, or pertaining to, armor.
MANORIALmanorial adj. Of or pertaining to a manor or to manorialism.
MANORIAL adj. relating to a manor.
MEMORIALmemorial n. (Obsolete) Memory; recollection.
memorial n. Something, such as a monument, by which someone or something is remembered.
memorial n. A chronicle or memoir.
MOTORIALmotorial adj. (Biology) motor.
MOTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to motion; specifically of or pertaining to a motor nerve.
RASORIALrasorial adj. Scratching the ground for food, as domestic fowl or other gallinaceous birds.
rasorial adj. (Ornithology, historical) Pertaining to the now obsolete order Rasores.
RASORIAL adj. habitually scratching the ground for food.
SORORIALsororial adj. Alternative form of sororal.
SORORIAL adj. pertaining to sisters, also SORORAL.
SUTORIALsutorial adj. Pertaining to shoemakers or shoemaking.
sutorial adj. Pertaining to sewing.
SUTORIAL adj. relating to cobbling, also SUTORIAN.
TUTORIALtutorial adj. Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
tutorial n. A self-paced learning exercise; a lesson prepared so that a student can learn at their own speed, at…
tutorial n. An interactive class taught by a tutor to students at university or college, individually or in small groups.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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