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List of 11-letter words ending with

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There are 20 eleven-letter words ending with OSING

ANCHYLOSINGanchylosing v. Present participle of anchylose.
ANCHYLOSE v. of bones, to fuse or stiffen by ankylosis, also ANKYLOSE.
BROWNNOSINGbrownnosing v. Present participle of brownnose.
brown-nosing v. Present participle of brown-nose.
BROWNNOSE v. to act sycophantically.
DECOMPOSINGdecomposing v. Present participle of decompose.
DECOMPOSE v. to fall to pieces.
EXOCYTOSINGexocytosing v. Present participle of exocytose.
EXOCYTOSE v. to secrete a substance from within a cell.
EXTRAPOSINGextraposing v. Present participle of extrapose.
EXTRAPOSE v. to move an item normally positioned within a phrase or sentence to the end, to focus attention on it.
FORECLOSINGforeclosing v. Present participle of foreclose.
foreclosing n. An act of foreclosure.
FORECLOSE v. to bar (a right of redemption); to take away the power of redeeming (a mortgage).
INDISPOSINGindisposing v. Present participle of indispose.
INDISPOSE v. to render indisposed.
INTERPOSINGinterposing v. Present participle of interpose.
INTERPOSE v. to place between.
JUXTAPOSINGjuxtaposing v. Present participle of juxtapose.
juxtaposing n. An act of juxtaposition.
JUXTAPOSE v. to place side by side.
MISCHOOSINGmischoosing v. Present participle of mischoose.
MISCHOOSE v. to choose badly.
PRECHOOSINGprechoosing v. Present participle of prechoose.
PRECHOOSE v. to choose beforehand.
PREEXPOSINGPREEXPOSE v. to expose in advance.
PREIMPOSINGpreimposing v. Present participle of preimpose.
PREIMPOSE v. to impose in advance.
RECOMPOSINGrecomposing v. Present participle of recompose.
RECOMPOSE v. to compose again.
REDISPOSINGredisposing v. Present participle of redispose.
REDISPOSE v. to dispose anew or again.
REPURPOSINGrepurposing v. Present participle of repurpose.
repurposing n. The act by which something is repurposed.
REPURPOSE v. to purpose anew.
SUPERPOSINGsuperposing v. Present participle of superpose.
SUPERPOSE v. to place above or on something else.
THROMBOSINGthrombosing v. Present participle of thrombose.
THROMBOSE v. to cause thrombosis in.
TRANSPOSINGtransposing v. Present participle of transpose.
transposing n. A transposition.
transposing adj. (Music) a musical instrument that is written in a different pitch to how it sounds, often for ease of…
UNDERDOSINGunderdosing v. Present participle of underdose.
under-dosing v. Present participle of under-dose.
UNDERDOSE v. to give an insufficient dose to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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