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There are 15 words ending with ORUS

KORUSkorus n. Plural of koru.
KORU n. (Maori) a stylized curved pattern used esp. in carving.
SORUSsorus n. (Mycology, lichenology) Any reproductive structure, in some lichens and fungi, that produces spores.
sorus n. (Botany) A cluster of sporangia on the edge or underside of a fern frond.
SORUS n. (Greek) a cluster of sporangia.
TORUStorus n. (Geometry) The standard representation of such a space in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: a surface or…
torus n. (Architecture) A large convex molding, typically semicircular in cross section, which commonly projects…
torus n. (Anatomy) A rounded ridge of bone or muscle, especially one on the occipital bone.
CHORUSchorus n. (Ancient Greece, historical).
chorus n. (By extension, chiefly Britain, theater, historical) An actor who reads the prologue and epilogue of…
chorus n. A group of singers performing together; a choir; specifically, such a group singing together in a musical…
PELORUSpelorus n. A device used to take a bearing on a distant object.
PELORUS n. (Latin) a kind of compass from which bearings can be taken.
PYLORUSpylorus n. (Anatomy, biology) In vertebrates, including humans, a zone at the lower end of the stomach that leads…
pylorus n. A muscular or myovascular structure that controls the opening of an orifice or lumen of an organ.
PYLORUS n. (Latin) the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
ZOOPHORUSzoophorus n. (Architecture) The frieze of a column, especially one decorated with animals.
ZOOPHORUS n. (Greek) a continuous frieze in relief, with people and animals.
CANEPHORUSCANEPHORUS n. (Greek) a sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head, also CANEPHOR, CANEPHORA, CANEPHORE.
CRYOPHORUScryophorus n. (Chemistry) An instrument used to illustrate the freezing of water by its own evaporation. The ordinary…
CRYOPHORUS n. an instrument for showing the decrease in the temperature of water by its evaporation.
PHOSPHORUSphosphorus n. (Chemistry) a chemical element (symbol P) with an atomic number of 15, that exists in several allotropic forms.
phosphorus n. (Obsolete) any substance exhibiting phosphorescence; a phosphor.
Phosphorus prop.n. A name sometimes used for Hesperus, the personification in Greek mythology of the planet Venus.
PYROPHORUSpyrophorus n. A substance capable of taking fire spontaneously on exposure to the air, especially in a finely divided state.
Pyrophorus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Elateridae – fire beetles, bioluminescent click beetles.
PYROPHORUS n. any substance capable of igniting spontaneously on exposure to air.
SEMICHORUSsemichorus n. (Music) A half chorus; a passage to be sung by a selected portion of the voices, rather than the full choir.
semichorus n. A small number of selected singers.
SEMICHORUS n. half, or part of, a chorus; a passage sung by it.
UREDOSORUSUREDOSORUS n. a pustule producing and containing uredospores.
ELECTROPHORUSelectrophorus n. (Dated, physics) An early apparatus, consisting of a rubber disk and a metal plate, for generating static electricity.
ELECTROPHORUS n. an apparatus consisting of a disk and metal plate to demonstrate static electricity.
RADIOPHOSPHORUSradiophosphorus n. Radioactive phosphorus (especially when used as a tracer).
RADIOPHOSPHORUS n. a radioactive isotope of phosphorus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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