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There are 16 words ending with OCHE

OCHEoche n. (Darts) A line behind which a player’s front foot must be placed when throwing a dart.
OCHE n. in darts, the line from which players throw.
LOCHEloche n. Alternative form of loach (“kind of fish”).
LOCHE n. a fish of the cod family.
BROCHEbroche n. Obsolete form of brooch.
broche v. Obsolete form of broach.
broché adj. Woven with a figure.
CLOCHEcloche n. A glass covering, originally bell-shaped, for garden plants to prevent frost damage and promote early growth.
cloche n. A bell-shaped, close-fitting women’s hat with a deep rounded crown and narrow rim.
cloche n. A tableware cover, often resembling a bell.
CROCHEcroche n. (Obsolete) A little bud or knob at the top of a deer’s antler.
CROCHE n. (French) a knob at the top of a deer's horn.
TROCHEtroche n. A lozenge; a cough drop.
Troche prop.n. A surname.
TROCHE n. a medicinal lozenge, also TROCHISCUS, TROCHISK.
BASOCHEbasoche n. A guild of legal clerks in pre-revolutionary France.
BASOCHE n. (French) a mediaeval guild of clerks of the parliament of Paris, performers of mystery plays.
BRIOCHEbrioche n. A type of light sweet pastry or bun of French origin.
brioche n. A knitted cushion for the feet.
BRIOCHE n. (French) a kind of soft roll, made with eggs, butter, flour and yeast.
CAROCHEcaroche n. (Obsolete) A form of stately carriage or chariot.
CAROCHE n. (French) a stately carriage, also CAROACH, CAROCH, CARROCH.
GALOCHEgaloche n. Alternative spelling of galosh.
GALOCHE v. to provide (a shoe, etc.) with a galosh.
PANOCHEpanoche n. Alternative form of panocha.
PANOCHE n. (Spanish) a type of fudge, also PANOCHA, PENOCHE, PENUCHE, PENUCHI.
SOROCHEsoroche n. (Obsolete) altitude sickness, mountain sickness.
SOROCHE n. (Quechua) mountain sickness.
GRAMOCHEGRAMOCHE n. (Scots) a type of legging, also GAMASH, GRAMASH.
GUILLOCHEguilloche n. A fine engraved pattern of spirals, intertwining bands, etc.
guilloche n. The tool used to create such work.
guilloche v. (Transitive) To decorate with intersecting curved lines.
SYNECDOCHEsynecdoche n. (Rhetoric) A figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole, or the…
synecdoche n. (Rhetoric) The use of this figure of speech.
SYNECDOCHE n. a figure of speech by which a part is used for the whole (as fifty sail for fifty ships), or the whole for a part (as the smiling year for spring).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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