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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 15 eight-letter words ending with ORAL

AMPHORALamphoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the shape of an amphora.
AMPHORAL adj. relating to an amphora.
BALMORALbalmoral n. A Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume but no brim; a blue bonnet.
balmoral n. A heavy walking shoe.
balmoral n. (US) An Oxford shoe.
CLITORALclitoral adj. Of, or relating to the clitoris.
CLITORAL adj. relating to the clitoris.
CORPORALcorporal adj. (Archaic) Having a physical, tangible body; material, corporeal.
corporal adj. Of or pertaining to the body, especially the human body; bodily.
corporal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the body (the thorax and abdomen), as distinguished from the head, limbs and wings, etc.
DOCTORALdoctoral adj. Relating to a doctorate.
doctoral adj. Pertaining to a medical doctor or physician.
DOCTORAL adj. pertaining to a doctor.
LITTORALlittoral adj. Of or relating to the shore, especially the seashore.
littoral n. A shore.
littoral n. The zone of a coast between high tide and low tide levels.
NONMORALnonmoral adj. Alternative spelling of non-moral.
non-moral adj. Not moral; unconnected with morals; having no relation to ethics or morals; not involving ethical or…
NONMORAL adj. not pertaining to morals.
PASTORALpastoral adj. Of or pertaining to shepherds or herders of other livestock.
pastoral adj. Relating to rural life and scenes, in particular of poetry.
pastoral adj. Relating to the care of souls, to the pastor of a church or to any local religious leader charged with…
PECTORALpectoral adj. Of or pertaining to the breast, or chest.
pectoral adj. Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs.
pectoral adj. (Zoology) Having the breast conspicuously colored.
POSTORALpostoral adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind, or posterior to, the mouth.
post-oral adj. (Anatomy) Alternative spelling of postoral.
POSTORAL adj. situated behind the mouth.
PREMORALpremoral adj. Before the development of a sense of morality.
PREMORAL adj. preceding the development of a moral code.
RECTORALrectoral adj. Pertaining to a rector or governor.
RECTORAL adj. pertaining to a rector or governor.
RESTORALrestoral n. Restoration.
RESTORAL n. restoration.
SECTORALsectoral adj. Of or pertaining to a sector (all senses).
SECTORAL adj. pertaining to a sector.
TEMPORALtemporal adj. (Relational) Of or relating to the material world, as opposed to sacred or clerical.
temporal adj. (Relational) Relating to time…
temporal n. (Chiefly in the plural) Anything temporal or secular; a temporality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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