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There are 14 six-letter words ending with ONER

ATONERatoner n. One who atones.
ATONER n. one who atones.
BOONERbooner n. (Australia, chiefly Canberra, slang) A person who takes particular pride in their car and enjoys showing it off.
booner n. (Australia, slang, derogatory) A bogan.
booner n. (US) A trophy size big game animal, as measured by the Boone and Crockett ranking criteria.
CLONERcloner n. Someone who clones something.
cloner n. (Computing) A software program that duplicates media.
cloner n. (Science fiction) A device capable of duplicating physical objects.
DRONERdroner n. One who drones.
DRONER n. one who drones.
IRONERironer n. Someone who irons, someone who does ironing.
ironer n. A mangle, a device used to iron clothes.
IRONER n. a machine for pressing clothes.
KRONERkroner n. Plural of krone.
Kroner prop.n. A surname.
KRONE n. (Norwegian) a former monetary unit of Austria.
MOONERmooner n. One who abstractedly wanders or gazes about.
mooner n. Someone who moons (drops their pants and shows their bare buttocks in public).
mooner n. A lunatic.
NOONERnooner n. (Chiefly US, informal) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one which is illicit.
NOONER n. a brief sexual encounter during the lunchbreak.
PHONERphoner n. One who phones.
phoner n. (Informal) A broadcast interview conducted by telephone.
PHONER n. one that telephones.
PIONERpioner n. Obsolete form of pioneer (military sapper or digger).
PIONER n. (Shakespeare) a military pioneer, also PIONEER, PYONER.
PRONERproner adj. Comparative form of prone: more prone.
PRONE adj. lying face down.
PYONERpyoner n. Obsolete form of pioneer (“soldier employed to build roads etc.”).
PYONER n. (Shakespeare) a military pioneer, also PIONER.
SOONERsooner adj. Comparative form of soon: more soon.
sooner adv. Comparative form of soon: more soon.
sooner adv. Rather.
STONERstoner n. One who stones.
stoner n. A machine to remove the stones (pits) from fruit.
stoner n. (Slang) A habitual user of cannabis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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