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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 19 twelve-letter words ending with ONIC

AMPHICTYONICamphictyonic adj. (Ancient Greece) Of or relating to the amphictyons or their League or Council.
AMPHICTYONIC adj. applied to the ancient Greek council of state-deputies.
ANTICYCLONICanticyclonic adj. (Meteorology) of, relating to, or consisting of an anticyclone.
ANTICYCLONIC adj. relating to an anticyclone.
ANTIMNEMONICantimnemonic adj. Hard to remember, often intentionally so.
ANTIMNEMONIC adj. tending to weaken the memory.
ANTIMNEMONIC n. something that weakens the memory.
AUTOCHTHONICautochthonic adj. Existing where it was formed or born; native, aboriginal, indigenous.
AUTOCHTHONIC adj. indigenous, aboriginal, also AUTOCHTHONAL, AUTOCHTHONOUS.
CEREBROTONICcerebrotonic adj. Designating a personality type characterised as intellectual, introverted, and emotionally restrained.
cerebrotonic n. A person who has this personality type.
CEREBROTONIC n. someone with a personality characterized by shyness, introspection, and emotional restraint.
CHORDOPHONICchordophonic adj. Of or relating to the chordophones.
CHORDOPHONIC adj. of or like a chordophone.
DODECAPHONICdodecaphonic adj. Of or pertaining to dodecaphony.
DODECAPHONIC adj. of music, twelve-tone.
ELECTROTONICelectrotonic adj. Of, or pertaining to, or caused by electrotonus.
ELECTROTONIC adj. of, induced by, relating to, or constituting electrotonus.
MESENTERONICMESENTERONIC adj. relating to the mesenteron, the midgut.
OPISTHOTONICopisthotonic adj. Relating to opisthotonus.
OPISTHOTONIC adj. of or like opisthotonos, extreme arching backwards of the spine and neck as a result of spasm of the muscles in that region.
PERISTERONICperisteronic adj. Of or pertaining to pigeons.
PERISTERONIC adj. of or relating to pigeons.
PHILHARMONICphilharmonic adj. (Music) Appreciative of music, but especially to its performance; devoted to music.
philharmonic n. (Music) A full-size symphony orchestra.
PHILHARMONIC adj. fond of music.
QUADRAPHONICquadraphonic adj. (Of a sound system) Employing four independent channels or speakers.
QUADRAPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRIPHONIC, QUADROPHONIC.
QUADRIPHONICquadriphonic adj. Alternative form of quadraphonic.
QUADRIPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRAPHONIC, QUADROPHONIC.
QUADROPHONICquadrophonic adj. Alternative spelling of quadraphonic.
QUADROPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRAPHONIC, QUADRIPHONIC.
STEREOPHONICstereophonic adj. Of or pertaining to sound reproduction using two channels to give a more natural two-dimensional sound distribution.
STEREOPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or constituting sound reproduction involving the use of separated microphones and two transmission channels to achieve the sound separation of a live hearing.
TECHNETRONICtechnetronic adj. Relating to computers and communications technologies as a means of transforming society.
TECHNETRONIC adj. shaped or influenced by the changes wrought by advances in technology and communications.
VISCEROTONICviscerotonic adj. Designating a personality type characterised as sociable, easy-going, and comfort-seeking.
viscerotonic n. A person with such a personality.
VISCEROTONIC adj. in psychology, having a sociable, comfort-loving temperament associated with endomorphy.
ZWITTERIONICzwitterionic adj. Of or pertaining to a zwitterion.
ZWITTERIONIC adj. of or like a zwitterion, an ion carrying both a positive and negative charge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 138 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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