AEROBIONT | • aerobiont n. (Biology) Any organism that needs air (oxygen) to survive. • AEROBIONT n. an aerobe, an organism requiring oxygen to survive. |
CHORIZONT | • chorizont n. (UK) One who challenges a widely held assumption of authorship for a major work, especially one who… • CHORIZONT n. a person who disputes identity of authorship, esp. one who ascribes the Iliad and Odyssey to different authors, also CHORIZONTIST. |
FOREFRONT | • forefront n. The leading position or edge. • forefront v. (Transitive) To bring to the forefront; to emphasize, or focus on. • FOREFRONT n. the front or foremost part. |
HALOBIONT | • halobiont n. (Biology) an organism that lives in a salty environment. • HALOBIONT n. an organism living in a salt environment. |
INTERMONT | • intermont adj. Between mountains; intermontane. • INTERMONT adj. situated between mountains, also INTERMONTANE, INTERMOUNTAIN. |
LAKEFRONT | • lakefront adj. Adjacent to a lake. Usually used to describe real estate. • lakefront n. Land or an area which is adjacent to a lake. • LAKEFRONT n. the front of a lake. |
LOPHODONT | • lophodont adj. (Zoology) Having molar teeth that have ridged grinding surfaces. • LOPHODONT adj. of a molar tooth, having (esp. transverse) ridges between the cusps; (of a dentition) characterized by such molar teeth. |
MACRODONT | • macrodont adj. Having large teeth. • MACRODONT adj. having large teeth. |
MASTODONT | • mastodont n. Alternative form of mastodon. • MASTODONT n. a large extinct mammal resembling the elephant, also MASTODON. |
MICRODONT | • microdont n. A tooth that is smaller than usual. • microdont adj. (Zoology) Having short or small teeth. • MICRODONT adj. having unusually small teeth, also MICRODONTOUS. |
MYCOBIONT | • mycobiont n. (Lichenology) The fungus that is a component of a lichen. • MYCOBIONT n. the fungal constituent of a lichen. |
SHOPFRONT | • shopfront n. The side of a shop that faces the street, usually having display windows. • shop␣front n. Alternative form of shopfront. • SHOPFRONT n. the front of a shop. |
STEGODONT | • stegodont n. An extinct relative of the modern elephants; a member of the taxonomic genus Stegodon. • STEGODONT n. an extinct mammal with ridged teeth, also STEGODON. |
THECODONT | • thecodont adj. (Anatomy) Having the teeth inserted in sockets in the alveoli of the jaws. • thecodont n. (Paleontology, archaic) Any of the Thecodontia (a former group of archosaurs). • THECODONT n. a member of the order Thecodontia of archosaurian reptiles with teeth fixed in sockets in the jawbone. |
WAVEFRONT | • wavefront n. (Physics) An imaginary surface passing through points of a medium oscillating in phase. • WAVEFRONT n. in a propagating vibratory disturbance, the continuous locus of points which are in the same phase of vibration. |