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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 19 seven-letter words ending with ONY

ALIMONYalimony n. (Law) A court-mandated allowance made to a former spouse by a divorced or legally separated person.
alimony n. The means to support life.
ALIMONY n. an allowance paid to a partner after divorce.
BALCONYbalcony n. (Architecture) An accessible structure extending from a building, especially outside a window.
balcony n. An accessible structure overlooking a stage or the like.
BALCONY n. a platform projecting from the wall of a building, often with access from a door or window.
BOTTONYbottony adj. Alternative form of botony.
BOTTONY adj. having buds or knobs at the extremities, applied to a cross, also BOTONE, BOTONEE, BOTONNEE.
BUTTONYbuttony adj. Having a large number of buttons.
buttony adj. Resembling a button or buttons.
buttony n. The manufacture of buttons.
CIPHONYciphony n. The process of encrypting telecommunication signals, as to prevent information from being intercepted…
CIPHONY n. the electronic mixing of voice transmissions.
COMPONYcompony adj. (Heraldry, postpositive) Divided into a line of squares of alternating tinctures.
COMPONY adj. composed of squares of alternating colours, also COMPONE.
COTTONYcottony adj. Having some characteristics of cotton; soft and fluffy.
COTTONY adj. having the texture of cotton.
EUPHONYeuphony n. A pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear.
euphony n. Pleasant phonetic quality of certain words.
EUPHONY n. an agreeable sound, also EUPHONIA.
GEOGONYgeogony n. (Obsolete, uncountable) The branch of science dealing with the formation of the Earth.
geogony n. (Obsolete, countable) A particular account of the formation of the Earth.
GEOGONY n. the theory of the formation of the earth.
HAEMONYhaemony n. (Rare) A magical plant mentioned by John Milton, said to be good against enchantments.
Hæmony n. Archaic form of haemony.
HAEMONY n. a plant which could act against magic.
HARMONYharmony n. Agreement or accord.
harmony n. A pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
harmony n. (Music) The academic study of chords.
ISOGONYISOGONY n. an equivalent relative growth of parts.
JARGONYjargony adj. Typified by jargon; difficult to understand.
JARGONY adj. like jargon.
MUTTONYmuttony adj. Like mutton; having a flavour of mutton.
MUTTONY adj. like mutton; having a flavor of mutton.
RIBBONYribbony adj. Like ribbon.
RIBBONY adj. adorned with ribbons.
SALMONYsalmony adj. Resembling salmon or some aspect of it.
SALMONY adj. of or like a salmon.
SYNTONYsyntony n. (Electronics) A condition in which two oscillators have the same resonant frequency.
syntony n. A syntonic state.
SYNTONY n. the tuning of transmitters and receivers with each other.
TANTONYtantony n. Synonym of tantony pig.
TANTONY n. the smallest pig in a litter.
ZOOGONYzoogony n. Alternative form of zoogeny.
ZOOGONY n. the doctrine of the beginning of beings, also ZOOGENY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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