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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 13 five-letter words ending with ONY

AGONYagony n. Extreme pain.
agony n. (Biblical) The sufferings of Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane.
agony n. Violent contest or striving.
ATONYatony n. Lack of muscle tone; flaccidity or atonia.
ATONY n. muscular debility, also ATONIA.
CRONYcrony n. (Informal, originally Cambridge University) A close friend.
crony n. (Informal) A trusted companion or partner in a criminal organization.
crony n. (Obsolete) An old woman; a crone.
DRONYdrony adj. (Of a sound) Dronelike.
DRONY adj. monotonous.
EBONYebony n. (Uncountable) A hard, dense, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially…
ebony n. (Countable) A tree that yields such wood.
ebony n. (Countable and uncountable) A deep, dark black colour.
GOONYgoony adj. Of or like a goon; thuggish; brutal.
goony adj. (Slang) Silly, crazy, foolish, stupid, or awkward.
goony n. (Informal) a goon; a foolish, stupid, silly, or awkward person.
IRONYirony n. (Rhetoric) The quality of a statement that, when taken in context, may actually mean something different…
irony n. Dramatic irony: a theatrical effect in which the meaning of a situation, or some incongruity in the…
irony n. Socratic irony: ignorance feigned for the purpose of confounding or provoking an antagonist.
LOONYloony adj. (Informal, of a person) Insane.
loony adj. (Informal, of a thing) Very silly, absurd.
loony n. (Informal) An insane or very foolish person.
MOONYmoony adj. Resembling the moon.
moony adj. Moonlit.
moony adj. (Figurative) Absent-minded.
PEONYpeony n. A flowering plant of the genus Paeonia with large fragrant flowers.
peony n. A dark red colour.
PEONY n. a showy flower, also PAEONY, PINY, PIONEY, PIONY.
PHONYphony adj. (Informal) Fraudulent; fake; having a misleading appearance.
phony n. (Informal) A person who assumes an identity or quality other than their own.
phony n. (Informal) A person who professes beliefs or opinions that they do not hold.
PIONYpiony n. Obsolete form of peony.
PIONY n. (obsolete) a peony, also PAEONY, PINEY, PINY, PIONEY.
STONYstony adj. As hard as stone.
stony adj. Containing or made up of stones.
stony adj. (Figuratively) Of a person, lacking warmth and emotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 20 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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