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There are 20 four-letter words ending with OG

AGOGagog adj. In eager desire, eager, astir.
agog adj. (Chiefly of eyes) Wide open.
agog adv. In a state of high anticipation, excitement, or interest.
BIOGbiog n. (Informal) A biography.
biog. adj. Abbreviation of biographical.
biog. n. Abbreviation of biography.
BLOGblog n. (Internet) A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the…
blog n. (Internet) An individual post to a blog.
blog v. (Blogging, transitive, intransitive) To contribute to a blog.
BROGbrog n. A pointed instrument, such as a joiner’s awl.
brog v. (Transitive) To prod with a pointed instrument, such as a lance; to prick or pierce.
brog v. To broggle.
CHOGCHOG n. (dialect) the core of a piece of fruit.
CLOGclog n. A type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole sometimes with an open heel.
clog n. A blockage.
clog n. (UK, colloquial) A shoe of any type.
CROGCROG v. (dialect) to ride as a passenger on a bicycle.
FLOGflog v. (Transitive) To whip or scourge as punishment.
flog v. (Transitive) To use something to extreme; to abuse.
flog v. (Transitive, UK, slang) To sell.
FROGfrog n. Any of a class of small tailless amphibians of the order Anura that typically hop.
frog n. (Music) The part of a violin bow (or that of other similar string instruments such as the viola, cello…
frog n. (Cockney rhyming slang) Road. Shorter, more common form of frog and toad.
GOOGgoog n. (Australia, slang) An egg.
GOOG prop.n. (NASDAQ Symbol) Abbreviation of Google.
GOOG n. (Australian slang) an egg; full as a goog means drunk.
GROGgrog n. (Original meaning) An alcoholic beverage made with rum and water, especially that once issued to sailors…
grog n. (By extension, Australia, New Zealand) Any alcoholic beverage.
grog n. (Countable, Australia, New Zealand) A glass or serving of an alcoholic beverage.
PROGprog adj. Abbreviation of progressive.
prog n. (Informal, music) Progressive rock.
prog n. (Computing, informal) A program.
SCOGSCOG v. (Scots) to shelter, also SCOOG, SCOUG, SCUG, SKOG, SKUG.
SHOGshog n. (Archaic) jolt, shake (brisk movement).
shog v. (Archaic, transitive, intransitive) to jolt or shake.
shog v. (Archaic, frequently followed by off) to depart; to go.
SKOGSkog prop.n. A surname.
SKOG v. to shelter, also SCOG, SCOOG, SCOUG, SCUG, SKUG.
SLOGslog n. (Uncountable, chiefly Britain, Australia and Canada) A long, tedious walk, or session of work.
slog n. (Countable, cricket) An aggressive shot played with little skill.
slog v. To walk slowly, encountering resistance.
SMOGsmog n. A noxious mixture of particulates and gases that is the result of urban air pollution.
smog v. (Informal) To get a smog check; to check a vehicle or have it checked for emissions.
SMOG n. a mixture of smoke and fog.
SNOGsnog v. (Britain, slang) To kiss passionately.
snog n. (Britain, slang) A passionate kiss.
SNOG v. (slang) to kiss.
TROGtrog n. (Slang, UK) A hooligan, lout.
trog v. (Slang) To walk laboriously; to trudge.
TROG v. to walk wearily.
VLOGvlog n. (Internet) A weblog using video as its primary presentation format.
vlog v. (Internet, intransitive) To contribute to a video weblog.
vlog v. (Internet, transitive) To post (something) to a video weblog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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