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There are 19 words ending with NDEDNESS

HANDEDNESShandedness n. (Chemistry, physics) The property that distinguishes an asymmetric object from its mirror image. For…
handedness n. A preference (usually innate) for using one hand rather than the other.
HANDEDNESS n. a tendency to use one hand rather than the other.
MINDEDNESSmindedness n. The state of being minded in a particular way (as in narrow-mindedness, absent-mindedness).
MINDEDNESS n. an inclination to do something.
BOUNDEDNESSboundedness n. The state or quality of being bounded.
BOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being bounded.
ROUNDEDNESSroundedness n. The quality of being rounded.
roundedness n. (Phonetics) The quality of a sound, especially a vowel, of being rounded or unrounded.
ROUNDEDNESS n. the state of being rounded.
EXTENDEDNESSextendedness n. The condition of being extended; extension.
EXTENDEDNESS n. the state of being extended.
STRANDEDNESSstrandedness n. The quality of having strands.
STRANDEDNESS n. the state of being stranded.
OFFHANDEDNESSoffhandedness n. The property of being offhand.
off-handedness n. Alternative form of offhandedness.
OFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
UNBOUNDEDNESSunboundedness n. The condition of being unbounded.
UNBOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being unbounded.
UNFOUNDEDNESSunfoundedness n. The state or condition of being unfounded.
UNFOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being unfounded.
BACKHANDEDNESSbackhandedness n. The quality of being backhanded.
back-handedness n. Alternative form of backhandedness.
BACKHANDEDNESS n. the state of being backhanded.
CONFOUNDEDNESSconfoundedness n. The state or quality of being confounded.
CONFOUNDEDNESS n. the state of being confounded.
EVENHANDEDNESSevenhandedness n. The quality or state of being evenhanded.
even-handedness n. The quality of being even-handed; fairness.
EVENHANDED n. fair, impartial.
FOREHANDEDNESSforehandedness n. Prudence, foresight, and thriftiness.
forehandedness n. Action taken in advance.
forehandedness n. Wealth, the quality of having sufficient possessions to live comfortably.
FREEHANDEDNESSfreehandedness n. The quality or state of being freehanded.
free-handedness n. Alternative form of freehandedness.
FREEHANDED n. openhanded, liberal.
HARDHANDEDNESShardhandedness n. Harshness, strictness.
hardhandedness n. The embodyment of working-class virtue; hard-working practicality.
hard-handedness n. Alternative form of hardhandedness.
OPENHANDEDNESSopenhandedness n. Alternative form of open-handedness.
open-handedness n. The state or quality of being open-handed.
OPENHANDED n. generous.
UNFRIENDEDNESSunfriendedness n. (Archaic) friendlessness.
UNFRIENDEDNESS n. the state of being unfriended.
UNGROUNDEDNESSungroundedness n. Quality of being ungrounded.
UNGROUNDEDNESS n. the state of being ungrounded.
UNDERHANDEDNESSunderhandedness n. The characteristic of being underhanded.
under-handedness n. Alternative form of underhandedness.
UNDERHANDEDNESS n. the state of being underhanded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 200 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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