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There are 15 words ending with NCTURE

ACUPUNCTUREacupuncture n. The insertion of needles into the (living) tissue of the body, especially for purposes of pain relief.
acupuncture v. (Transitive) To treat with acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURE n. the complementary therapy of puncturing the skin with needles at specified points in order to cure illness.
CINCTUREcincture n. An enclosure, or the act of enclosing, encircling or encompassing.
cincture n. A girdle or belt, especially as part of a vestment.
cincture n. (Architecture) The fillet, listel, or band next to the apophyge at the extremity of the shaft of a column.
CONJUNCTUREconjuncture n. A combination of events or circumstances; a conjunction; a union.
conjuncture n. A set of circumstances causing a crisis; a juncture.
CONJUNCTURE n. a juncture.
DISJUNCTUREdisjuncture n. A lack of union, or lack of coordination, or separation.
DISJUNCTURE n. the act of disjoining, also DISJUNCTION.
DISTINCTUREdistincture n. (Archaic) distinctness.
DISTINCTURE n. distinctness.
ELECTROPUNCTUREelectropuncture n. The use of subcutaneous electric shock to stimulate the muscles.
ELECTROPUNCTURE n. the insertion into the body of one or more needles through which an electric current is passed.
ENCINCTUREencincture n. A cincture or girdle.
encincture v. (Transitive) To encircle or gird.
ENCINCTURE n. a cincture.
EXTINCTUREextincture n. (Obsolete) extinction.
EXTINCTURE n. (Shakespeare) extinction.
JUNCTUREjuncture n. A place where things join, a junction.
juncture n. A critical moment in time.
juncture n. (Linguistics) The manner of moving (transition) or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds;…
LINCTURElincture n. A linctus; medicine taken by licking with the tongue.
LINCTURE n. a medicated syrup for the throat, also LINCTUS.
MICROPUNCTUREmicropuncture n. A very small puncture.
micropuncture v. To make a very small puncture.
MICROPUNCTURE n. an extremely small puncture (as of a nephron).
PUNCTUREpuncture n. The act or an instance of puncturing.
puncture n. A hole, cut, or tear created by a sharp object.
puncture n. (Specifically) A hole in a vehicle’s tyre, causing the tyre to deflate.
TINCTUREtincture n. Senses relating to colour, and to dipping something into a liquid.
tincture n. Scientific and alchemical senses.
tincture v. (Transitive).
VENEPUNCTUREvenepuncture n. Alternative spelling of venipuncture.
VENEPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENIPUNCTURE.
VENIPUNCTUREvenipuncture n. (Hematology) The puncture of a vein, usually to draw a blood sample, collect a blood donation, or insert…
venipuncture v. To puncture a vein in order to collect blood; to perform venipuncture.
VENIPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENEPUNCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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