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There are 20 eight-letter words ending with NOSE

ANGINOSEanginose adj. (Dated) Relating to angina; anginous.
ANGINOSE adj. relating to angina.
BLUENOSEbluenose n. (Informal) A prude.
bluenose n. (Slang) A person from Nova Scotia, Canada.
bluenose n. (US, naval slang) A person who has crossed the Arctic Circle.
BULLNOSEbullnose n. (Construction) rounded ceramic trim, especially in masonry and ceramic tile.
bullnose n. (Uncountable) A bacterial disease of suckling or weanling pigs, characterized by sores in the mouth or upon the lips.
BULLNOSE n. swine snout disease.
CONENOSEconenose n. Conenose bug.
CONENOSE n. a bloodsucking insect.
DIAGNOSEdiagnose v. (Transitive, medicine) To determine which disease is causing a sick person’s signs and symptoms; to…
diagnose v. (By extension) To determine the cause of a problem.
DIAGNOSE v. to identify a disease by symptoms.
FARINOSEfarinose adj. Yielding or related to farina.
farinose adj. (Botany, zoology) Covered with a sort of white, mealy powder, like the leaves of some poplars, and the…
FARINOSE adj. resembling or yielding flour.
FURANOSEfuranose n. (Chemistry) any cyclic hemiacetal form of a monosaccharide having a five-membered ring (the tetrahydrofuran skeleton).
FURANOSE n. a sugar having four carbon atoms and one oxygen.
HARDNOSEhardnose n. Alternative form of hard-nose.
hardnose adj. Alternative form of hard-nosed.
hard-nose n. A hard-nosed person; one who is tough and relentlessly practical and thus not given to sentiment.
HAWKNOSEhawknose n. A nose shaped like a hawk’s beak.
hawk-nose n. Alternative form of hawknose.
hawk␣nose n. Alternative form of hawknose.
HOOKNOSEhooknose n. An aquiline nose.
hooknose n. Someone with such a nose, especially Jews.
hooknose n. A fish, the armed bullhead.
LACUNOSElacunose adj. Full of gaps or lacunae.
LACUNOSE adj. marked by shallow depressions.
LAMINOSELAMINOSE adj. composed of laminae, also LAMINOUS.
PRODNOSEprodnose n. (Slang) Synonym of busybody.
prodnose v. (Slang) To meddle; to interfere where one is unwelcome.
PRODNOSE n. an inquisitive person.
PROGNOSEprognose v. (Medicine) To make a prognosis.
PROGNOSE v. to forecast the probable course of a disease.
PRUINOSEpruinose adj. (Botany) Having a very fine whitish powder (bloom) on a surface.
pruinose adj. (Zoology, entomology) Covered with a very fine whitish layer of wax particles.
PRUINOSE adj. having a powdery covering.
PYRANOSEpyranose n. (Chemistry) any cyclic hemiacetal form of a monosaccharide having a six-membered ring (based on tetrahydropyran).
PYRANOSE n. a sugar present in pyran.
RHAMNOSErhamnose n. (Biochemistry) A methyl-pentose, 6-deoxy-L-mannose, which occurs in the leaves and flowers of poison…
RHAMNOSE n. a sugar found in plants.
STARNOSEstarnose n. Star-nosed mole.
STARNOSE n. a curious American mole having the nose expanded at the end into a stellate disk.
TUBENOSEtubenose n. Any of the Procellariiformes, an order of seabirds including albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters.
tubenose n. A small, thin fish of Japanese and Korean coastal waters, Aulichthys japonicus.
TUBENOSE n. a bird with tubular nostrils.
VENENOSEvenenose adj. Alternative form of venenous (“venomous; poisonous”).
VENENOSE adj. poisonous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 22 words
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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