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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 11 eight-letter words ending with NIAL

ACHENIALachenial adj. Pertaining to an achene.
ACHENIAL adj. relating to an achene, also AKENIAL.
BARONIALbaronial adj. Belonging or relating to a baron or barons.
baronial adj. Suitable for a baron.
BARONIAL adj. relating to a baron or barony.
BIENNIALbiennial adj. Happening every two years.
biennial adj. Lasting for two years.
biennial n. A plant that requires two years to complete its life-cycle, germinating and growing in its first year…
COLONIALcolonial adj. Of or pertaining to a colony.
colonial adj. Of or pertaining to a period when a country or territory was a colony.
colonial adj. (US) Of or relating to the original Thirteen Colonies of the USA.
CORONIALcoronial adj. (Chiefly Australia and New Zealand) Of, by or pertaining to a coroner.
coronial n. (Uncommon) A baby conceived or born during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially one apparently conceived…
CORONIAL adj. of or relating to a coroner.
DOMANIALdomanial adj. Of or pertaining to a domain.
DOMANIAL adj. of a domain, also DOMAINAL.
GERANIALgeranial n. (Organic chemistry) One of the two isomers of citral.
GERANIAL n. an alcohol forming a constituent of many of the esters used in perfumery, also GERANIOL.
HYMENIALhymenial adj. (Mycology) Of or pertaining to the hymenium of a fungus.
HYMENIAL adj. relating to the hymenium, the spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
OOGONIALoogonial adj. Of or pertaining to an oogonium.
oögonial adj. Alternative spelling of oogonial.
OOGONIAL adj. relating to oogonia, the female reproductive organs in fungi or seaweed.
SPLENIALsplenial adj. Relating to the splenium, especially describing the pair of muscles, at the back of the neck, that move…
splenial n. Splenial bone.
SPLENIAL adj. of or like the splenius, a muscle of the neck.
UNGENIALungenial adj. Not genial.
UNGENIAL adj. not genial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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