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There are 13 words ending with NAT

ALTERNATalternat n. The custom, among diplomats, of rotation in precedence among representatives of equal rank, sometimes…
ALTERNAT n. (French) a way of determining diplomatic precedence by lot.
ANNATannat n. Alternative form of annate.
ANNAT n. (Scots) the half-year's stipend payable to a minister's wife on his death, also ANN.
APLANATaplanat n. (Optics) A lens that has been corrected for spherical aberration and coma in order to produce a rectilinear image.
APLANAT n. an aplanatic lens, i.e. one free from spherical aberration.
ASSIGNATassignat n. (Now historical) A banknote used during the French Revolution, on the security of state land.
ASSIGNAT n. (historical) one of the paper bonds first issued in 1789 by the French government on the security of the appropriated church lands, and later accepted as notes of currency.
DONNATDONNAT n. (dialect) a good-for-nothing, also DONNOT.
EXTERNATexternat n. A day school.
EXTERNAT n. (French) a day-school.
GNATgnat n. Any small insect of the order Diptera, specifically within the suborder Nematocera.
gnat n. (Informal) An annoying person.
Gnat n. (Historical) A type of jet fighter aircraft.
KABLOONATkabloonat n. Plural of kabloona.
KABLOONA n. (Inuit) a person who is not Inuit.
MANATmanat n. The basic unit of currency for Azerbaijan; symbol ₼; subdivided into 100 qapik.
manat n. The basic unit of currency for Turkmenistan; subdivided into 100 tennesi.
MANAT n. a standard monetary unit of Azerbaijan, containing 100 GOPIK.
NATnat n. A spirit in Burmese mythology, whose cult is followed alongside Buddhism.
nat adv. (Obsolete) Not.
nat n. A logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms.
PENSIONNATPENSIONNAT n. (French) a boarding-school.
QANATqanat n. An underground conduit, between vertical shafts, that leads water from the interior of a hill to villages…
qanāt n. Alternative spelling of qanat.
QANAT n. (Arabic) an underground water tunnel.
QUINNATquinnat n. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, the chinook salmon.
QUINNAT n. (Native American) a fish, the king-salmon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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