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There are 13 seven-letter words ending with NUS

ALUMNUSalumnus n. A male pupil or student.
alumnus n. A male graduate.
alumnus n. A student of any gender.
COLONUScolonus n. (Historical) A sharecropping tenant farmer of the late Roman Empire and Early Middle Ages.
COLONUS n. (Latin) a freeborn serf.
DETENUSDETENU n. (French) a (male) prisoner, esp. a political prisoner in India.
ECHINUSechinus n. A sea urchin.
echinus n. (Architecture) The rounded moulding forming the bell of the capital of the Grecian Doric style, which…
echinus n. (Architecture) The quarter-round moulding (ovolo) of the Roman Doric style.
INGENUSingenus n. Plural of ingenu.
ingénus n. Plural of ingénu.
INGENU n. (French) an artless, naive young man.
RHAMNUSrhamnus n. (Botany) Any of the plants in the genus Rhamnus; a buckthorn.
Rhamnus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rhamnaceae – the buckthorns.
RHAMNUS n. (Greek) a thorny tree or shrub.
RICINUSricinus n. Any member of the genus Ricinus.
Ricinus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euphorbiaceae – the castor plant.
Ricinus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ricinidae – several bird lice.
SILENUSSilenus prop.n. (Greek mythology) A companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus.
SILENUS n. (Latin) a satyrlike woodland god, an attendant of Bacchus, also SILEN.
STURNUSSturnus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sturnidae – the starlings.
STURNUS n. (Latin) any bird of the starling genus.
TAMANUStamanus n. Plural of tamanu.
TAMANU n. (Tahitian) an East Indian tree, yielding tacamahac, a kind of gum resin.
TETANUStetanus n. (Pathology, countable) A serious and often fatal disease caused by the infection of an open wound with…
tetanus n. (Physiology, countable) A state of muscle tension caused by sustained contraction arising from a rapid…
TETANUS n. (Latin) a disease due to a bacillus, marked by painful tonic spasms of the muscles of the jaw; aka lockjaw.
TOTANUSTotanus prop.n. A former genus of various waders or shorebirds, now subsumed within Tringa.
TOTANUS n. (Italian) the redshank.
UNCINUSuncinus n. (Meteorology) A cloud species which consists of fine hair-like strands, with hooked terminations. Associated…
uncinus n. (Paleontology) The curved tip of the hooks associated with belemnite tentacles.
UNCINUS n. (Latin) a hooklet, a marginal tooth of a mollusc's radula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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