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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 18 six-letter words ending with NGY

BLINGYblingy adj. (Slang) shiny, glittery.
BLINGY adj. bling, flashy.
CLINGYclingy adj. Having a tendency to cling.
clingy adj. (Informal, usually derogatory) Pathetically attached to, or possessive of someone, usually a significant other.
CLINGY adj. adhesive.
CRINGYcringy adj. Characterised by causing feelings of embarrassment; embarrassing.
cringy adj. Cringing; cowardly.
CRINGY adj. causing acute feelings of embarrassment or disgust, also CRINGEY.
FRINGYfringy adj. (Informal) Beyond the mainstream.
fringy adj. Adorned with fringes.
FRINGY adj. resembling a fringe.
GRUNGYgrungy adj. Dirty; shabby; in disrepair.
grungy adj. Of or relating to grunge music.
GRUNGY adj. dirty, messy, also GRUNGEY.
LOUNGYloungy adj. (Informal) characteristic of a lounge; informally comfortable.
loungy adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of lounge music.
LOUNGY adj. suitable for lounging, also LOUNGEY.
MAUNGYmaungy adj. Obsolete form of mangy.
maungy adj. (Britain, Yorkshire, especially of a child) Sulky, bad-tempered, or peevish.
MAUNGY adj. scabby, also MANGEY, MANGY.
ORANGYorangy adj. Alternative spelling of orangey.
ORANGY adj. resembling the colour of an orange, also ORANGEY.
SCUNGYscungy adj. (Australia, New Zealand, US, informal) Dirty, messy; sordid.
SCUNGY adj. (Australian slang) dirty, unkempt, sordid.
SLANGYslangy adj. Including or given to slang.
slangy adj. (Dated) Flashy; vulgar; loud in dress, manner, and conversation.
SLANGY adj. full of slang.
SLINGYslingy adj. (Cricket) Tending to bowl the ball with a slinging action, i.e. faster but less accurate.
SLINGY adj. denoting a throwing motion which resembles the action of using a sling.
SPONGYspongy adj. Having the characteristics of a sponge, namely being absorbent, squishy or porous.
spongy adj. Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy.
spongy adj. (Slang) Drunk.
STINGYstingy adj. Unwilling to spend, give, or share; ungenerous; mean.
stingy adj. Small, scant, meager, insufficient.
stingy adj. (Informal) Stinging; able or inclined to sting.
SWINGYswingy adj. (Informal) Having a swinging motion.
swingy adj. (Informal) Characteristic of swing music.
swingy adj. (Informal, politics) Having many swing voters.
THINGYthingy n. (Informal) A thing (used to refer to something vaguely or when one cannot recall its name).
thingy n. (Slang, euphemistic, childish) Penis.
thingy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a thing; tangible.
THONGYthongy adj. Stringy; ropy.
THONGY adj. resembling an item of clothing made from a strip of cloth.
TWANGYtwangy adj. That makes a twanging sound.
TWANGY adj. twanging.
WHINGYwhingy adj. Of or pertaining to whinging; tending to whinge.
WHINGY adj. complaining.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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