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List of 5-letter words ending with

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There are 7 five-letter words ending with NDA

BANDAbanda n. (Uncountable, music) A style of Mexican brass band music, emerged in the 19th century.
banda n. (Countable, music) An ensemble playing such music.
Banda prop.n. A surname.
FONDAfonda n. An inn or hotel in a Spanish-speaking country.
Fonda prop.n. A surname.
Fonda prop.n. A city in Iowa.
HONDAhonda n. (Southwestern US) A closed loop or eyelet at one end of a lariat or lasso, through which the other end…
honda n. (Southwestern US) A grommet or other device intended to strengthen or otherwise improve a simple rope honda.
Honda prop.n. A Japanese automotive and motorcycle manufacturer, named after its founder, Soichiro Honda.
KINDAkinda adv. (Colloquial) kind of; somewhat.
kinda cont. (Colloquial) Contraction of kind of.
kinda interj. Yes in some respects but no in other respects.
PANDApanda n. (Now rare without a qualifying word) The red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a small raccoon-like animal of…
panda n. (Colloquial, also attributively) Short for giant panda (“Ailuropoda melanoleuca”).
panda n. (Britain, law enforcement, colloquial) Short for panda car (“a black-and-white police car”).
VANDAvanda n. Any orchid of the genus Vanda.
Vanda prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – prized for its flowers, considered to be the most…
VANDA n. (Hindi) a kind of tropical orchid.
ZONDAzonda n. A hot, dry wind of the Andes.
ZONDA n. (Spanish) a dry, hot wind blowing from the Andes across the Argentine pampas, during July and August.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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