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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 16 ten-letter words ending with NOS

ALTIPLANOSaltiplanos n. Plural of altiplano.
ALTIPLANO n. (Spanish) a high plateau in Andes.
ANDANTINOSandantinos n. Plural of andantino.
ANDANTINO n. a movement rather quicker than andante.
BABYCCINOSbabyccinos n. Plural of babyccino.
BABYCCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCINO.
BOLIVIANOSbolivianos n. Plural of boliviano.
BOLIVIANO n. (Spanish) a Bolivian dollar.
CAMPESINOScampesinos n. Plural of campesino.
CAMPESINO n. (Spanish) a Latin American peasant farmer.
CIPOLLINOScipollinos n. Plural of cipollino.
CIPOLLINO n. (Italian) a kind of white marble streaked with green, also CIPOLIN.
CONTADINOScontadinos n. Plural of contadino.
CONTADINO n. (Italian) a (male) Italian peasant.
ESCRIBANOSescribanos n. Plural of escribano.
Escribanos prop.n. Plural of Escribano.
ESCRIBANO n. (Spanish) a notary.
GRAVITINOSgravitinos n. Plural of gravitino.
GRAVITINO n. a hypothetical particle associated with the gravitational force.
POLYOMINOSpolyominos n. Plural of polyomino.
POLYOMINO n. a flat, many-sided shape made of up of identical squares placed side by side.
PORTOLANOSportolanos n. Plural of portolano.
PORTOLANO n. (Italian) in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual, also PORTOLAN, PORTULAN.
SICILIANOSsicilianos n. Plural of siciliano.
Sicilianos prop.n. Plural of Siciliano.
SICILIANO n. (Italian) a Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale, also SICILIANA.
SOLFERINOSsolferinos n. Plural of solferino.
SOLFERINO n. (Italian) a moderate purplish-red.
SOPRANINOSsopraninos n. Plural of sopranino.
SOPRANINO n. (Italian) an instrument higher than the corresponding soprano.
TREBBIANOSTREBBIANO n. a grape used to make wine.
VETTURINOSvetturinos n. Plural of vetturino.
VETTURINO n. (Italian) one who lets or drives a vettura.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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