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There are 7 words ending with MERCIAL

ANTICOMMERCIALanticommercial adj. Opposed to commercialism.
ANTICOMMERCIAL adj. opposed to the commercial.
COMMERCIALcommercial n. An advertisement in a common media format, usually radio or television.
commercial n. (Finance) A commercial trader, as opposed to an individual speculator.
commercial n. (Obsolete) A commercial traveller.
INFOMERCIALinfomercial n. A program-length television commercial, typically between thirty minutes and one hour long, that advertises…
INFOMERCIAL n. a television program that is an extended advertisement often including a discussion or demonstration.
NONCOMMERCIALnoncommercial adj. Not engaged in commerce.
noncommercial n. (Finance) A noncommercial trader.
non-commercial adj. Alternative form of noncommercial.
SEMICOMMERCIALsemicommercial adj. Partly commercial; having some aspects that are commercial and some that are not.
SEMICOMMERCIAL adj. of, relating to, adapted to, or characterized by limited marketing of an experimental product.
ULTRACOMMERCIALultracommercial adj. Extremely commercial or commercialized.
ULTRACOMMERCIAL adj. extremely commercial.
UNCOMMERCIALuncommercial adj. Not commercial; often specifically not commercially viable.
uncommercial n. A spoof advertisement created for countercultural purposes.
UNCOMMERCIAL adj. not engaged in or related to commerce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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