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There are 14 words ending with MATOSIS

CARCINOMATOSIScarcinomatosis n. (Medicine) The widespread presence of carcinomas that have metastasized throughout the body.
CARCINOMATOSIS n. a condition in which multiple carcinomas develop simultaneously usually after dissemination from a primary source.
CHONDROMATOSISchondromatosis n. (Pathology) The formation of multiple chondromas.
CHONDROMATOSIS n. a condition in which benign tumours made up of cartilage cells form in the bones.
DERMATOSISdermatosis n. (Medicine) Any disease of the skin.
DERMATOSIS n. any skin disease.
GLIOMATOSISgliomatosis n. (Pathology) Excessive development of the neuroglia, especially of the spinal cord, in certain cases of syringomyelia.
GLIOMATOSIS n. diffuse overgrowth of neuroglia in the brain or spinal cord.
HAEMATOSIShaematosis n. Alternative form of hematosis.
HAEMATOSIS n. the formation of blood; conversion of venous into arterial blood, also HEMATOSIS.
HEMATOSIShematosis n. Sanguification; the conversion of chyle into blood.
hematosis n. The arterialization of the blood in the lungs; the formation of blood in general; haematogenesis.
HEMATOSIS n. the formation of blood; conversion of venous into arterial blood, also HAEMATOSIS.
HEMOCHROMATOSIShemochromatosis n. (Pathology) A metabolic disorder causing iron deposits in the body, also called bronze diabetes.
HEMOCHROMATOSIS n. a disease of the liver characterized by an excessive accumulation of iron.
LIPOMATOSISlipomatosis n. (Pathology) A condition in which multiple lipomas are present on the body.
LIPOMATOSIS n. the presence of many lipomata; obesity.
LYMPHOMATOSISlymphomatosis n. Multiple lymphoma; the occurrence of deposits of lymphadenoid tissue generally, throughout the body.
LYMPHOMATOSIS n. the presence of multiple lymphomas in the body.
METASOMATOSISmetasomatosis n. (Geology) metasomatism.
METASOMATOSIS n. change in the composition of a rock or mineral by the addition or replacement of chemicals.
MYXOMATOSISmyxomatosis n. A usually fatal viral disease of rabbits, causing skin tumors.
myxomatosis n. In general, a condition characterized by the growth of many myxomata (tumors of primitive connective tissue).
MYXOMATOSIS n. a fatal contagious disease of rabbits.
PAPILLOMATOSISpapillomatosis n. (Pathology) the presence of papillomas.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
SARCOMATOSISsarcomatosis n. (Pathology) The spread of a sarcoma throughout the body.
SARCOMATOSIS n. a disease characterized by the presence and spread of sarcomas.
TREPONEMATOSIStreponematosis n. (Medicine) Any of the diseases caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, including syphilis, yaws, bejel, and pinta.
TREPONEMATOSIS n. infection with or disease caused by treponemata.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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