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There are 7 words ending with MUNE

IMMUNEimmune adj. (Usually with "from") Exempt; not subject to.
immune adj. (Medicine, usually with "to") Protected by inoculation, or due to innate resistance to pathogens.
immune adj. (By extension) Not vulnerable.
COMMUNEcommune n. A small community, often rural, whose members share in the ownership of property, and in the division…
commune n. A local political division in many European countries.
commune n. (Obsolete) The commonalty; the common people.
PREMUNEpremune adj. (Medicine) Immune to a disease through having had it before.
PREMUNE adj. resistant to a disease.
NONIMMUNEnonimmune adj. (Medicine) Not immune; lacking immunity.
nonimmune adj. (Medicine) Unrelated to the immune system.
NONIMMUNE adj. not immune.
AUTOIMMUNEautoimmune adj. (Pathology, immunology) Of or pertaining to autoimmunity.
auto-immune adj. Describing a condition where the immune system reacts to the body itself.
AUTOIMMUNE adj. of, relating to, or caused by autoantibodies or T cells that attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them.
HYPERIMMUNEhyperimmune adj. That causes, or is associated with, an extreme immune response.
HYPERIMMUNE adj. having a very high degree of immunity.
INTERCOMMUNEintercommune v. (Obsolete, Scotland) To have mutual communication or intercourse by conversation.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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