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There are 15 words ending with MMEL

BUMMELBUMMEL n. (German) a stroll; a leisurely journey.
HUMMELhummel n. (Northern England, Scotland, also attributive) A stag that has failed to grow antlers; a cow that has…
hummel n. (Also attributive) Especially in hummel corn: grain that lacks awns (beards or bristles), or has had…
hummel v. (Transitive) Of an animal: to remove the horns; to poll.
KUMMELkummel n. A German caraway liqueur.
kümmel n. Alternative form of kummel.
KUMMEL n. (German) a cumin-flavoured liqueur.
POMMELpommel n. The upper front brow of a saddle.
pommel n. A rounded knob or handle.
pommel n. (Sports, obsolete) The bat used in the game of knurr and spell or trap ball.
PUMMELpummel v. To hit or strike heavily and repeatedly.
pummel n. Alternative form of pommel.
PUMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also POMMEL.
RAMMELrammel n. (Obsolete) Refuse matter.
rammel v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To turn to rubbish.
RAMMEL n. (dialect) discarded matter, waste.
STAMMELstammel n. (Historical) A woolen cloth (used in medieval times to make undergarments).
stammel n. A bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.
stammel n. (UK, dialect) A large, clumsy horse.
STUMMELstummel n. The bowl and stem of a smoker’s pipe.
STUMMEL n. (German) a bowl and adjacent part of a pipe.
TRAMMELtrammel n. Whatever impedes activity, progress, or freedom, such as a net or shackle.
trammel n. A fishing net that has large mesh at the edges and smaller mesh in the middle.
trammel n. A kind of net for catching birds, fishes, or other prey.
TROMMELtrommel n. (Mining) A revolving buddle or sieve for separating, or sizing, ores.
trommel n. A rotating drum for sorting items, such as waste for recycling.
TROMMEL n. (German) a revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals.
BEPOMMELbepommel v. (Transitive) To pommel; to beat, as with a stick.
bepommel v. (Transitive, figuratively) To assail or criticise in conversation, or in writing.
BEPOMMEL v. to pommel soundly.
SCHIMMELSCHIMMEL n. (German) a roan horse.
STRAMMELstrammel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“straw”).
strammel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“hair”).
STRAMMEL n. (obsolete) a straw; hence, hair, also STRUMMEL.
STRUMMELstrummel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“straw”).
strummel n. Alternative spelling of strommel (“hair”).
STRUMMEL n. (obsolete) a straw; hence, hair, also STRAMMEL.
ENTRAMMELentrammel v. (Transitive) To hamper by entangling.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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