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There are 10 words ending with MINI

BIMINIbimini n. A lightweight cover, usually made of fabric stretched on a metal frame which is readily removable, for…
Bimini prop.n. Ellipsis of Bimini Islands.; An island group in the Bahamas, Atlantic Ocean, politically considered…
Bimini prop.n. A district of the Bahamas, the westernmost district.
CREMINIcremini n. Alternative spelling of crimini.
CREMINI n. a dark brown edible mushroom, also CRIMINI.
CRIMINIcrimini interj. Alternative form of criminy.
crimini n. A dark brown edible mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, that has a rounded cap; called a portobello when mature.
CRIMINI n. a dark brown edible mushroom, also CREMINI.
GEMINIGemini prop.n. (Astronomy) A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a pair of twins. It contains the stars…
Gemini prop.n. (Astrology) The zodiac sign for the twins, ruled by Mercury and covering May 22 – June 21 (tropical…
Gemini n. Someone who has the Gemini star sign.
MENOMINIMenomini n. Alternative form of Menominee.
MENOMINI n. a small whitefish found in the northern US and Canada, also MENOMINEE.
MICROMINImicromini n. A very short miniskirt.
MICROMINI n. something extremely small.
MINImini adj. Miniature, tiny, small.
mini n. Abbreviation of miniskirt.
mini n. (Dated) Abbreviation of minicomputer.
SUPERMINIsupermini n. A small motor car, especially a hatchback, which is powerful for its size or class.
supermini n. (Computing) A superminicomputer.
SUPERMINI n. a small car with a good standard of performance and comfort.
TERMINItermini n. Plural of terminus.
Termini prop.n. A surname from Italian.
TERMINUS n. (Latin) an end.
TRIGEMINItrigemini n. Plural of trigeminus.
TRIGEMINUS n. the trigeminal nerve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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