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There are 14 words ending with MILL

CORNMILLcornmill n. A mill where corn is ground.
CORNMILL n. a flour-mill.
GRISTMILLgristmill n. A mill that grinds grain, especially grain brought by a farmer to be exchanged for the flour (less a percentage).
grist␣mill n. Alternative spelling of gristmill.
GRISTMILL n. a mill for grinding grain; esp. grists, or portions of grain brought by different customers.
MILLmill n. A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc.
mill n. The building housing such a grinding apparatus.
mill n. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure…
MINIMILLminimill n. (Business) A small mill, especially a steel mill using electric-arc furnaces only for steelmaking.
MINIMILL n. a small-scale steel mill.
PEPPERMILLpeppermill n. Alternative form of pepper mill.
pepper␣mill n. A small handheld grinder containing a supply of peppercorns for grinding fresh at the table or in the kitchen.
pepper␣mill n. (Historical, slang) The Curta, a cylindrical hand-held mechanical calculator invented in the 1930s.
PULPMILLpulpmill n. Alternative form of pulp mill.
pulp␣mill n. A factory for making paper pulp from (usually) wood.
PULPMILL n. a machine for pulping wood.
SAWMILLsawmill n. A machine, building or company used for cutting (milling) lumber.
sawmill v. (Transitive) To process (lumber) in a sawmill.
SAWMILL n. a place where logs are sawed.
TIDEMILLtidemill n. Alternative form of tide mill.
tide␣mill n. A mill operated by tidal currents.
tide␣mill n. A mill for clearing lands of tide water.
TREADMILLtreadmill n. A piece of indoor sporting equipment used to allow for the motions of running or walking while staying in one place.
treadmill n. (Historical) A mill worked by persons treading upon steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a…
treadmill n. A mill worked by horses, dogs, etc., treading an endless belt.
WALKMILLwalkmill n. Alternative form of waulkmill.
WALKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WAUKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WATERMILLwatermill n. A mill powered by water.
WATERMILL n. a mill driven by water.
WAUKMILLwaukmill n. Alternative form of waulkmill.
WAUKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WAULKMILLwaulkmill n. A mill for waulking or fulling cloth.
WAULKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAUKMILL.
WINDMILLwindmill n. A machine which translates linear motion of wind to rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes called sails.
windmill n. The structure containing such machinery.
windmill n. A child’s toy consisting of vanes mounted on a stick that rotate when blown by a person or by the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 159 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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