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There are 10 words ending with MILE

MILEmile n. The international mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers established by treaty…
mile n. Any of several customary units of length derived from the 1593 English statute mile of 8 furlongs, equivalent…
mile n. Any of many customary units of length derived from the Roman mile (mille passus) of 8 stades or 5,000 Roman feet.
SMILEsmile n. A facial expression comprised by flexing the muscles of both ends of one’s mouth, often showing the…
smile n. (Figurative) Favour; propitious regard.
smile n. (Slang, dated) A drink bought by one person for another.
SIMILEsimile n. A figure of speech in which one thing is explicitly compared to another, using e.g. like or as.
SIMILE n. a figure of speech, an explicit comparison between two things using 'like' or 'as'.
BESMILEbesmile v. (Transitive) To smile at; give or show a smile to.
BESMILE v. to smile on.
CAMOMILEcamomile n. Composite plant with a fragrance reminiscent of apples…
camomile n. Any of several other similar plants. (See below)
camomile n. Short for camomile tea.
OUTSMILEoutsmile v. (Transitive) To surpass in smiling.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
CHAMOMILEchamomile n. Alternative spelling of camomile.
CHAMOMILE n. a creeping aromatic plant of the composite family, with yellow-centred white-rayed flowers, formerly much grown for its fragrance, also CAMOMILE.
DISSIMILEdissimile n. (Rhetoric) Comparison or illustration by contraries.
DISSIMILE n. a comparison or illustration by contraries.
FACSIMILEfacsimile n. (Countable) A copy or reproduction.
facsimile n. (Uncountable) Reproduction in the exact form as the original.
facsimile n. A fax, a machine for making and sending copies of printed material and images via radio or telephone network.
TELEFACSIMILEtelefacsimile n. Fax.
TELEFACSIMILE n. a facsimile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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