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There are 14 words ending with MEAT

BAKEMEATbakemeat n. (Obsolete) Any baked product (such as a pie).
BAKEMEAT n. (Biblical) pastry, pies.
BUSHMEATbushmeat n. Any edible animal from sub-Saharan Africa’s dense forest that is not traditionally regarded as game.
bush␣meat n. Alternative form of bushmeat.
bush␣meat n. (Slang, Nigeria) A shy or innocent young woman considered as a sexual object.
CRABMEATcrabmeat n. The meat of a crab.
crab␣meat n. Alternative spelling of crabmeat.
CRABMEAT n. the edible part of a crab.
FARCEMEATfarcemeat n. Alternative form of forcemeat.
FARCEMEAT n. meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing, also FORCEMEAT.
FORCEMEATforcemeat n. (Cooking) An emulsion of fat and comminuted meat (which has been subject to puréeing, grinding, sieving…
FORCEMEAT n. meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing, also FARCEMEAT.
HORSEMEAThorsemeat n. The meat from a horse.
HORSEMEAT n. the meat of the horse.
LUNCHMEATlunchmeat n. Alternative spelling of lunch meat.
lunch␣meat n. Any processed, prepackaged molded meat served sliced for consumption in sandwiches or salads.
LUNCHMEAT n. a mixture of meat and cereal.
MEATmeat n. (Uncountable) The flesh (muscle tissue) of an animal used as food.
meat n. (Countable) A type of meat, by anatomic position and provenance.
meat n. (Now archaic, dialectal) Food, for animals or humans, especially solid food. See also meat and drink.
MINCEMEATmincemeat n. A mixture of fruit, spices and sugar used as a filling for mince pies.
mincemeat n. (Rare) Minced meat, mince.
mincemeat n. (By analogy) A badly cut-up body or parts of a body.
NONMEATnonmeat adj. That is not meat, or unrelated to meat.
NONMEAT n. a substance that does not contain meat.
NUTMEATnutmeat n. (US) The edible portion of a nut.
NUTMEAT n. the edible kernel of a nut.
PIGMEATpigmeat n. The meat or flesh of a pig, used especially for food; pork.
PIGMEAT n. the meat of the pig.
SIDEMEATsidemeat n. A cut of pork with a sweet taste, typically taken from above the flank of the pig.
SIDEMEAT n. meat cut from the side of the pig.
SWEETMEATsweetmeat n. A sweet delicacy; a confection.
sweetmeat n. (Informal) Sweetheart; darling.
SWEETMEAT n. any concoction made mainly or wholly with sugar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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