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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 18 nine-letter words ending with MIST

ACADEMISTacademist n. An academic philosopher.
academist n. An academician.
academist n. An academic.
ALCHEMISTalchemist n. One who practices alchemy.
alchemist n. One who blends material or substances in the nature or supposed nature of alchemy.
ALCHEMIST n. a practitioner of alchemy.
ANATOMISTanatomist n. One who studies, teaches, writes on, or does research on anatomy and anatomical structures.
ANATOMIST n. one who practises anatomy.
BIONOMISTBIONOMIST n. a student of bionomics, the study of organisms interacting in their environments.
DIATOMISTdiatomist n. A phycologist who studies diatoms.
DIATOMIST n. a person who studies diatoms.
ECONOMISTeconomist n. An expert in economics, especially one who studies economic data and extracts higher-level information…
economist n. One concerned with political economy.
economist n. (Obsolete) One who manages a household.
EPITOMISTepitomist n. One who makes an epitome; one who abridges; an epitomizer.
EPITOMIST n. one who makes an epitome, also EPITOMIZER.
EUPHEMISTeuphemist n. One who uses euphemisms.
EUPHEMIST n. one who engages in euphemism.
EXONUMISTexonumist n. (Rare) Someone who collects exonumia.
EXONUMIST n. a collector of medals and tokens.
EXTREMISTextremist n. A person who holds extreme views, especially one who advocates such views; a radical or fanatic.
extremist adj. Holding extreme views, especially on a political or religious subject.
extremist adj. Of or relating to extremism.
PESSIMISTpessimist n. Someone who habitually expects the worst outcome; one who looks on the dark side of things.
PESSIMIST n. one who tends to look on the dark side of things.
POGROMISTpogromist n. One who supports, or carries out, a pogrom.
POGROMIST n. one who engages in pogroms.
REFORMISTreformist adj. Advocating reform of an institution or body.
reformist adj. Specifically, advocating reform and the gradual accumulation of small changes, as opposed to revolutionary action.
reformist n. One who advocates reform (of an institution).
RHYTHMISTrhythmist n. A musician who plays the rhythm.
RHYTHMIST n. a person skilled in rhythm.
SLALOMISTslalomist n. Slalomer.
SLALOMIST n. one who takes part in a slalom.
TRIGAMISTtrigamist n. A person who has three spouses; someone who commits trigamy.
trigamist n. A person who has a third marriage.
TRIGAMIST n. one who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.
ZOONOMISTzoonomist n. One who studies zoonomy.
ZOONOMIST n. an animal physiologist.
ZOOTOMISTzootomist n. One who carries out zootomies.
zoötomist n. Alternative form of zootomist.
ZOOTOMIST n. one who dissects animals, or is skilled in zootomy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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