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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 12 seven-letter words ending with MEL

CALOMELcalomel n. (Inorganic chemistry) mercurous chloride Hg2Cl2, formerly used as a laxative and disinfectant and to…
CALOMEL n. a strong purgative, a compound of mercury, acting on the liver.
CARAMELcaramel n. (Uncountable) A smooth, chewy, sticky confection made by heating sugar and other ingredients until the…
caramel n. (Countable) A (sometimes hardened) piece of this confection.
caramel n. (Color) A yellow-brown color, like that of caramel.
CAROMELcaromel n. Archaic form of caramel.
CAROMEL n. a dark brown substance produced by heating sugar, also CARAMEL.
CAROMEL v. to coat with caromel.
CHROMELChromel n. An alloy of approximately 90% nickel and 10% chromium by weight, used to make the positive conductors…
CHROMEL n. an alloy of nickel and chromium.
COLUMELcolumel n. (Architecture) A small column.
COLUMEL n. a small column-like anatomical part.
OENOMELoenomel n. A beverage made of wine and honey.
œnomel n. Obsolete form of oenomel.
OENOMEL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek beverage, also OINOMEL.
OINOMELoinomel n. Alternative form of oenomel.
OINOMEL n. (Greek) a beverage of ancient Greece consisting of wine and honey, also OENOMEL.
STAMMELstammel n. (Historical) A woolen cloth (used in medieval times to make undergarments).
stammel n. A bright red colour, like that of the stammel cloth.
stammel n. (UK, dialect) A large, clumsy horse.
STUMMELstummel n. The bowl and stem of a smoker’s pipe.
STUMMEL n. (German) a bowl and adjacent part of a pipe.
THERMELthermel n. (Dated) A thermocouple.
THERMEL n. a device for temperature measurement.
TRAMMELtrammel n. Whatever impedes activity, progress, or freedom, such as a net or shackle.
trammel n. A fishing net that has large mesh at the edges and smaller mesh in the middle.
trammel n. A kind of net for catching birds, fishes, or other prey.
TROMMELtrommel n. (Mining) A revolving buddle or sieve for separating, or sizing, ores.
trommel n. A rotating drum for sorting items, such as waste for recycling.
TROMMEL n. (German) a revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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