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There are 11 six-letter words ending with MUS

ANIMUSanimus n. The basic impulses and instincts which govern one’s actions.
animus n. A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will.
animus n. (Jungian psychology) The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality.
CORMUScormus n. (Botany) A corm.
cormus n. (Biology) An organism made up of a number of individuals, such as, for example, would be formed by a…
CORMUS n. (Greek) the whole body of a compound animal.
GLOMUSglomus n. A fold of the mesothelium arising near the base of the mesentery in the pronephron, and containing a…
glomus n. A highly organized vessel that connects an artery and a vein (bypassing capillaries) in an extremity…
Glomus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Glomeraceae – a large group of fungi that are obligate symbionts of tree roots.
HOUMUShoumus n. Alternative spelling of hummus.
HOUMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HUMMUS, HUMOUSES.
HUMMUShummus n. A Levantine Arab dip made of chickpea paste with various additions, such as olive oil, fresh garlic…
HUMMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HOUMUS, HUMOUSES.
LACMUSlacmus n. (Archaic) Litmus, orchil.
LACMUS n. a substance that changes colour with acidity, also LITMUS.
LITMUSlitmus n. (Uncountable) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels…
litmus n. A simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.
litmus n. A simple test of any attribute; a litmus test.
PRIMUSprimus n. One of the bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church, who presides at the meetings of the bishops, and…
Primus prop.n. (Dated) A male given name.
Primus n. A Primus stove.
SHAMUSshamus n. (US, slang) A private detective; originally, a policeman or police detective.
Shamus prop.n. Alternative spelling of Seamus.
SHAMUS n. (US slang) a private detective.
THYMUSthymus n. (Anatomy, immunology) A ductless gland, consisting mainly of lymphatic tissue, located behind the top…
Thymus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – thyme.
Thymus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Eulophidae.
WAMMUSwammus n. Alternative form of wamus.
WAMMUS n. (Dutch) a kind of cardigan or strong jacket buttoned at the neck or wrists, also WAMPUS, WAMUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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