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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 18 six-letter words ending with MMY

CHAMMYchammy n. Alternative form of shammy.
chammy v. Alternative form of shammy.
CHAMMY v. to clean with a chamois.
CHEMMYchemmy n. (UK, slang, card games) The card game called chemin de fer.
CHEMMY n. a card game, chemin de fer.
CHUMMYchummy adj. (Informal) Friendly; on, or trying to be on, intimate terms.
chummy n. Synonym of chum (“friend, pal”).
chummy n. (Obsolete) A boy who works for a chimney sweep.
CLAMMYclammy adj. Cold and damp, usually referring to hands or palms.
clammy adj. (Medicine) The quality of normal skin signs, epidermis that is neither diaphoretic nor dry.
CLAMMY adj. unpleasantly damp.
CRUMMYcrummy adj. (Informal) Bad; poor.
crummy adj. (Dated) Full of crumb or crumbs.
crummy adj. (Dated) Soft, like the crumb of bread; not crusty.
DRUMMYdrummy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a drum.
DRUMMY n. (South African) a drum majorette.
GLAMMYglammy adj. (Informal) Having a glam style; glamorous.
glammy adj. (Informal) Having the style of glam rock.
GLAMMY adj. glamorous.
GREMMYgremmy n. (Surfing, slang) Synonym of gremlin (“a young surfer”).
GREMMY n. an inexperienced surfer, also GREMMIE.
PLUMMYplummy adj. Of, pertaining to, containing, or characteristic of plums.
plummy adj. (Informal) desirable; profitable; advantageous.
plummy adj. (Of a voice) rich, mellow and carefully articulated, especially with an upper-class accent.
SCUMMYscummy adj. Covered in scum.
scummy adj. (Slang) sleazy, worthless, no good.
SCUMMY adj. covered with scum, dirty, unpleasant.
SHAMMYshammy n. Chamois leather.
shammy n. A cloth made of this leather.
shammy v. (Transitive) To clean with a chamois leather cloth.
SHIMMYshimmy n. A dance movement involving thrusting the shoulders back and forth alternately.
shimmy n. A dance that was popular in the 1920s.
shimmy n. An abnormal vibration, especially in the wheels of a vehicle.
SLUMMYslummy adj. Like a slum; run-down, dirty, decrepit.
SLUMMY adj. resembling a slum.
SPAMMYspammy adj. Of, pertaining to, being, or resembling spam (junk e-mail).
SPAMMY adj. bland, unexciting.
STEMMYstemmy adj. Resembling, or characterised by, stems.
STEMMY adj. abounding in stems, or mixed with stems; said of tea, dried currants, etc.
SWIMMYswimmy adj. Dizzy; swirling or moving as if seen in a daze.
swimmy n. An inflatable armband to help children swim.
SWIMMY adj. blurred, swimming.
WHAMMYwhammy n. A serious or devastating setback.
whammy n. An evil spell; a curse or hex.
whammy n. (Colloquialism) the vibrato system of an electric guitar, or just its lever (whammy bar).
WHIMMYwhimmy adj. Full of whims; whimsical.
WHIMMY adj. full of whims.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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