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There are 17 five-letter words ending with MER

AIMERaimer n. One who aims; one who is responsible for aiming.
AIMER n. one who aims.
ARMERarmer n. One who arms, or supplies weapons.
armer adj. Comparative form of arm: more arm.
Armer prop.n. A surname.
COMERcomer n. One in a race who is catching up to others and shows promise of winning.
comer n. (Figuratively) One who is catching up in some contest and has a likelihood of victory.
comer n. One who arrives.
DIMERdimer n. (Chemistry) A molecule consisting of two identical halves, formed by joining two identical molecules…
DIMER n. a molecular compound with two identical molecules.
EMMERemmer n. A species of wheat, Triticum dicoccon, one of a group of hulled wheats that are important food grains.
EMMER n. (German) a primitive strain of wheat.
FUMERfumer n. One who makes or uses perfumes.
fumer n. That which fumes, something that produces or emits smoke or other vapor.
FUMER n. one that fumes.
GAMERgamer n. A person who plays any kind of game.
gamer n. A person whose hobby is video games.
gamer n. A person who games the system.
GOMERgomer n. (Historical units of measure, archaic) Alternative form of omer: a former Hebrew unit of dry volume…
gomer n. A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy ordnance, especially in mortars.
gomer n. (Slang, derogatory) A stupid, awkward, or oafish person.
HOMERhomer n. (Historical units of measure) A former Hebrew unit of dry volume, about equal to 230 L or 6+12 US bushels.
homer n. (Historical units of measure) Synonym of cor: approximately the same volume as a liquid measure.
homer n. (US, baseball) A home run.
LAMERlamer adj. Comparative form of lame: more lame.
lamer n. (Slang, derogatory, demoscene, gaming, warez, dated) A person lacking in maturity, social skills, technical…
Lamer prop.n. A surname.
MIMERmimer n. Someone who mimes during a performance of a song.
MIMER n. one that mimes.
NAMERnamer n. One who names, or calls by name.
NAMER n. one who names.
ORMERormer n. An abalone or sea-ear, particularly Haliotis tuberculata, common in the Channel Islands.
ORMER n. a sea snail of rocky coasts, aka abalone.
RIMERrimer n. A tool for shaping the rimes of a ladder.
rimer n. (Obsolete) A rhymer; a versifier.
Rimer prop.n. A surname.
TAMERtamer n. One who tames or subdues.
tamer adj. Comparative form of tame: more tame.
Tamer prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
TIMERtimer n. Agent noun of time: someone or something that times.
timer n. One who has done something a certain number of times.
timer n. One characterized by a certain time or time frame, such as their work hours.
VOMERvomer n. (Anatomy) The vomer bone; the small thin bone that forms part of the septum between the nostrils.
VOMER n. (Latin) any of various bones resembling a ploughshare in shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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