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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 13 six-letter words ending with MB

APLOMBaplomb n. Self-confidence; poise; composure.
aplomb n. (Ballet) The apparent elegance and precision exhibited by a confident, accomplished dancer.
aplomb n. The perpendicular; perpendicularity.
BEDUMBbedumb v. (Transitive) To make or render dumb, or mute.
BEDUMB v. to render speechless.
BENUMBbenumb v. (Transitive) To make numb, as by cold or anesthetic.
benumb v. (Transitive, figurative) To deaden, dull (The mind, faculties, etc.).
BENUMB v. to make numb.
CORYMBcorymb n. (Botany) A cluster of flowers with a flat or convex top.
CORYMB n. a type of flower cluster.
ENJAMBenjamb v. (Poetry) To carry a sentence over to the next line without a pause.
ENJAMB v. in poetry, to join the sense from one line to the next.
ENTOMBentomb v. (Transitive) To deposit in a tomb.
entomb v. (Figurative, transitive) To confine in restrictive surroundings.
ENTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also INTOMB.
ENWOMBenwomb v. (Poetic, archaic) To place or cause to be contained in the womb; to make pregnant; to conceive.
enwomb v. (Poetic or archaic) To enclose.
ENWOMB v. to enclose as if in a womb.
EXCAMBexcamb v. (Scotland, law, transitive) To exchange; used with reference to transfers of land.
EXCAMB v. (Scots) in Scots law, to exchange.
INTOMBintomb v. Archaic form of entomb.
INTOMB v. to place in a tomb, also ENTOMB.
RECOMBrecomb v. (Transitive) To comb again.
RECOMB v. to comb again.
SCRAMBscramb v. To scratch (something) with claws or fingernails; to claw, to scram.
scramb v. To pull down or rip off (something) with force.
scramb v. (Obsolete) To scrape (something) together with the hands.
STROMBstromb n. (Zoology) Any marine univalve mollusk of Strombus and allied genera.
STROMB n. a very large gastropod related to the whelk, also STROMBUS.
UNTOMBuntomb v. (Transitive) To take (something) from a tomb; to disinter, to exhume.
UNTOMB v. to remove from a tomb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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