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There are 15 words ending with LOADING

LOADINGloading n. (Countable, uncountable) The process by which something is loaded.
loading n. (Countable) A load, especially in the engineering and electrical engineering senses of force exerted…
loading n. (Australia, industrial relations, countable) A hourly pay rate given to a casual employee which is higher…
ONLOADINGonloading v. Present participle of onload.
ONLOAD v. to load a vehicle or container.
RELOADINGreloading v. Present participle of reload.
reloading n. The act by which something (A gun, a device, etc.) is reloaded; a subsequent loading.
RELOAD v. to load again.
UNLOADINGunloading v. Present participle of unload.
unloading n. The act by which something is unloaded.
UNLOADING n. the act of unloading.
UPLOADINGuploading v. Present participle of upload.
uploading n. The process by which something is uploaded.
UPLOAD v. to transfer information to a larger computer.
DISLOADINGdisloading v. Present participle of disload.
DISLOAD v. to unload, disburden.
OFFLOADINGoffloading v. Present participle of offload.
offloading n. The act by which something is offloaded.
off-loading v. Present participle of off-load.
PRELOADINGpreloading n. (Slang) The practice of drinking alcohol before going out socially.
preloading v. Present participle of preload.
PRELOAD v. to load beforehand.
AUTOLOADINGautoloading v. Present participle of autoload.
autoloading n. (Programming) Capability of loading and linking portions of a program from mass storage automatically when needed.
AUTOLOADING adj. self-loading.
BACKLOADINGbackloading n. (Transport) The transportation of cargo or shipment on a return trip, using the space already paid for…
backloading v. Present participle of backload.
BACKLOAD v. to load a lorry for a return journey.
DOWNLOADINGdownloading v. Present participle and gerund of download.
DOWNLOADING n. the act of obtaining data files from the Internet.
FREELOADINGfreeloading v. Present participle of freeload.
freeloading n. The act of one who freeloads.
FREELOADING n. eating at someone else's expense, gaining from someone else's efforts.
OVERLOADINGoverloading n. (Object-oriented programming) A type of polymorphism, where different functions, operators or variables…
overloading n. The loading of a vehicle etc. with too heavy a weight.
overloading v. Present participle of overload.
WINDLOADINGSorry, definition not available.
UNDERLOADINGunderloading v. Present participle of underload.
underloading n. The act of loading insufficiently; underutilization of the capacity of something.
UNDERLOAD v. to load insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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