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There are 16 words ending with LFISHES

ANGELFISHESangelfishes n. Plural of angelfish.
ANGELFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish.
BILLFISHESbillfishes n. Plural of billfish.
BILLFISH n. a kind of fish with long jaws.
COALFISHEScoalfishes n. Plural of coalfish.
COALFISH n. a dusky fish.
DAMSELFISHESdamselfishes n. Plural of damselfish.
DAMSELFISH n. a small brightly-coloured tropical fish.
DEALFISHESdealfishes n. Plural of dealfish.
DEALFISH n. a kind of marine fish, aka ribbonfish.
DEVILFISHESdevilfishes n. Plural of devilfish.
DEVILFISH n. an octopus; also, a huge ray of the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic coasts.
ELFISHESELFISH n. the imagined language of elves.
FALLFISHESfallfishes n. Plural of fallfish.
FALLFISH n. a freshwater fish of the United States.
FOOLFISHESfoolfishes n. Plural of foolfish.
FOOLFISH n. a marine fish, the orange filefish.
JEWELFISHESjewelfishes n. Plural of jewelfish.
JEWELFISH n. a brightly-coloured African cichlid.
SAILFISHESsailfishes n. Plural of sailfish.
SAILFISH n. a large game fish with a sail-like dorsal fin.
SHELLFISHESshellfishes n. Plural of shellfish.
SHELLFISH n. a shelled aquatic invertebrate, esp. a mollusc or crustacean, or such animals collectively.
SNAILFISHESsnailfishes n. Plural of snailfish.
SNAILFISH n. a sea snail.
SQUIRRELFISHESsquirrelfishes n. Plural of squirrelfish.
SQUIRRELFISH n. any of various brightly-coloured marine fishes of the family Holocentridae of shallow tropical waters, so called because their large eyes resemble those of the squirrel.
SWELLFISHESswellfishes n. Plural of swellfish.
SWELLFISH n. a fish, the puffer fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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