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There are 18 words ending with LACING

LACINGlacing v. Present participle of lace.
lacing n. That with which something is laced.
lacing n. The tied or threaded laces that form a netlike pattern.
PLACINGplacing v. Present participle of place.
placing n. The action by which something is placed; placement; positioning.
placing n. The condition of being placed.
BELACINGbelacing v. Present participle of belace.
BELACE v. to adorn with lace.
ENLACINGenlacing v. Present participle of enlace.
ENLACE v. to entwine or entangle, also INLACE.
INLACINGinlacing v. Present participle of inlace.
INLACE v. to entwine or entangle, also ENLACE.
RELACINGrelacing v. Present participle of relace.
RELACE v. to do up again.
SOLACINGsolacing v. Present participle of solace.
solacing n. Solace.
SOLACE v. to console.
UNLACINGunlacing v. Present participle of unlace.
UNLACE v. to unfasten the laces of.
EMPLACINGemplacing v. Present participle of emplace.
EMPLACE v. to put in position.
REPLACINGreplacing v. Present participle of replace.
REPLACE v. to put back or supply a substitute.
UNPLACINGunplacing v. Present participle of unplace.
UNPLACE v. to displace.
DISPLACINGdisplacing v. Present participle of displace.
DISPLACE v. to put in the wrong place.
MISPLACINGmisplacing v. Present participle of misplace.
misplacing n. Incorrect placement.
MISPLACE v. to put in a wrong place.
NECKLACINGnecklacing v. Present participle of necklace.
necklacing n. (South Africa) A method of informal execution using a burning necklace (petrol filled tyre); in which…
NECKLACING n. (South African) the punishment of having a petrol-soaked tyre placed round the neck or shoulders and set alight, traditionally used by black people on those thought to be government sympathizers.
OUTPLACINGoutplacing v. Present participle of outplace.
OUTPLACE v. to find new employment for a redundant worker.
PREPLACINGpreplacing v. Present participle of preplace.
PREPLACE v. to place beforehand.
INTERLACINGinterlacing v. Present participle of interlace.
interlacing n. The pattern or motion of something that interlaces.
INTERLACE v. to lace, weave together.
COMMONPLACINGcommonplacing v. Present participle of commonplace.
COMMONPLACE v. to put in a commonplace book, a book of truisms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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