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List of 11-letter words ending with

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There are 17 eleven-letter words ending with LATORY

ANOVULATORYanovulatory adj. Not ovulatory; characterized by anovulation (a lack of ovulation).
ANOVULATORY adj. of a menstrual cycle, without ovulation.
CIRCULATORYcirculatory adj. Of or pertaining to a circulation, especially to the circulatory system.
circulatory adj. Circular; going round.
circulatory n. (Chemistry) A vessel with two portions unequally exposed to heat, and with connecting pipes or passages…
COAGULATORYcoagulatory adj. Serving to coagulate.
coagulatory adj. Produced by coagulation.
COAGULATORY adj. tending to cause coagulation.
COMPILATORYcompilatory adj. Of or pertaining to a compiler (person) or compilation.
COMPILATORY adj. relating to a compilation.
CONDOLATORYcondolatory adj. Offering condolence.
CONDOLATORY adj. serving to condole.
CONSOLATORYconsolatory adj. Which consoles.
consolatory n. That which consoles; a speech or writing intended for consolation.
CONSOLATORY adj. comforting.
EJACULATORYejaculatory adj. Of or pertaining to ejaculation.
ejaculatory adj. Of speech, exclamatory.
EJACULATORY adj. marked by or given to vocal ejaculation.
GRATULATORYgratulatory adj. (Archaic) congratulatory.
GRATULATORY adj. congratulatory.
INOCULATORYinoculatory adj. Relating to inoculation.
INOCULATORY adj. relating to inoculation.
OSCILLATORYoscillatory adj. That oscillates; oscillating.
oscillatory adj. Capable of sustaining oscillations.
OSCILLATORY adj. tending to oscillate.
POSTULATORYpostulatory adj. Of the nature of a postulate.
postulatory adj. Supplicatory.
POSTULATORY adj. assuming or assumed as a postulate.
SPECULATORYspeculatory adj. Intended or adapted for viewing or espying; having oversight.
speculatory adj. Exercising speculation; speculative.
SPECULATORY adj. exercising speculation; adapted for spying or viewing.
STIMULATORYstimulatory adj. Stimulative; serving to stimulate.
STIMULATORY adj. serving to stimulate.
STIPULATORYstipulatory adj. Serving to stipulate.
STIPULATORY adj. relating to stipulation.
TRANSLATORYtranslatory adj. That translates or transfers.
TRANSLATORY adj. of, relating to, or involving uniform motion in one direction.
VACILLATORYvacillatory adj. Liable to waver; irresolute and hesitant.
VACILLATORY adj. wavering.
VENTILATORYventilatory adj. Of, pertaining to, functioning as, or by means of a ventilator.
VENTILATORY adj. of, relating to, or provided with ventilation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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