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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 14 ten-letter words ending with LASTIC

ANACLASTICanaclastic adj. Produced by the refraction of light, as seen through water.
anaclastic adj. Springing back, as the bottom of an anaclastic glass.
ANACLASTIC adj. refractive; of or pertaining to refraction.
ANAPLASTICanaplastic adj. (Oncology) Of, or relating to, a tumor that shows little histogenetic differentiation. It implies that…
anaplastic adj. (Surgery) Of or relating to plastic surgery.
ANAPLASTIC adj. of or pertaining to anaplasty.
BIOCLASTICbioclastic adj. (Geology) Describing a sedimentary rock that is composed of the remains of small organisms.
bioclastic adj. (Geology) Describing a form of erosion or formation caused by the action of living organisms.
BIOCLASTIC adj. of deposits, esp. limestones, derived from shell fragments or similar organic remains.
BIOPLASTICbioplastic n. Any form of synthetic polymer, similar to normal plastic, made from renewable biomass sources such as…
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
DYSPLASTICdysplastic adj. Relating to or exhibiting dysplasia.
dysplastic n. An individual with an unproportionate body shape.
DYSPLASTIC adj. suffering from dysplasia, abnormal tissue development.
EPIBLASTICepiblastic adj. Of, or relating to the epiblast.
EPIBLASTIC adj. of or relating to, or consisting of, the epiblast.
MYOBLASTICmyoblastic adj. Of or relating to the myoblast.
MYOBLASTIC adj. of or like a myoblast, a cell producing muscle tissue.
NEOPLASTICneoplastic adj. Of or relating to a neoplasm, neoplastics, neoplasty or neoplasia.
NEOPLASTIC adj. of or pertaining to neoplasty, or neoplasia.
NONELASTICnonelastic adj. Not elastic; not able to stretch.
NONELASTIC adj. not having elasticity.
NONPLASTICnonplastic n. A material that is not a plastic.
NONPLASTIC n. something that is not a plastic.
SCHOLASTICscholastic n. (Philosophy) A member of the medieval philosophical school of scholasticism; a medieval Christian Aristotelian.
scholastic adj. Of or relating to school; academic.
scholastic adj. (Philosophy) Of or relating to the philosophical tradition of scholasticism.
SYMPLASTICsymplastic adj. Relating to a symplast.
SYMPLASTIC adj. relating to a symplast, a continuous network of protoplasts.
SYNCLASTICsynclastic adj. (Of a surface) curved toward the same side in all directions.
synclastic adj. (Mathematics) of a surface whose Gaussian curvature is positive at all points.
SYNCLASTIC adj. curved in all directions towards a single point.
ZOOPLASTICzooplastic adj. Of, or relating to zooplasty.
ZOOPLASTIC adj. relating to zooplasty, the surgical transfer of tissue from an animal to man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 28 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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