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There are 20 words ending with LUENT

ELUENTeluent n. (Analytical chemistry) In chromatography, a solvent used in order to effect separation by elution.
ELUENT n. a solvent, also ELUANT.
FLUENTfluent adj. That flows; flowing, liquid.
fluent adj. (Linguistics) Able to use a language accurately, rapidly, and confidently – in a flowing way.
fluent n. (Mathematics, obsolete) A continuous variable, especially one with respect to time in Newton’s Method of Fluxions.
ABLUENTabluent adj. (Pharmacology) Washing away; carrying off impurities; detergent.
abluent n. (Pharmacology) A detergent.
ABLUENT n. a cleansing agent.
DILUENTdiluent n. That which dilutes.
diluent n. (Analytical chemistry) A solvent or other liquid preparation used to dilute a sample prior to testing.
diluent n. (Medicine) An agent used for effecting dilution of the blood; a weak drink.
AFFLUENTaffluent n. Somebody who is wealthy.
affluent n. A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream; a tributary.
affluent adj. Abundant; copious; plenteous.
DEFLUENTdefluent adj. Running downward; decurrent.
DEFLUENT adj. running down.
EFFLUENTeffluent adj. Flowing out; outflowing.
effluent n. (Countable) A stream that flows out, such as from a lake or reservoir; an outflow; effluence.
effluent n. Sewage water that has been (partially) treated, and is released into a natural body of water; a flow…
INFLUENTinfluent n. A stream which flows into another stream or a lake.
influent n. Fluids flowing in.
influent n. (Ecology) An organism having an important effect on a plant or animal community.
REFLUENTrefluent adj. (Now literary) Flowing back.
REFLUENT adj. flowing back.
CONFLUENTconfluent adj. (Of two or more objects or shapes) Converging, merging or flowing together into one.
confluent adj. (Meteorology, of wind) Converging, especially as viewed on a weather chart.
confluent adj. (Biology) Describing cells in a culture that merge to form a mass.
DIFFLUENTdiffluent adj. Flowing apart or off; dissolving; not fixed.
DIFFLUENT adj. readily flowing away.
DISFLUENTdisfluent adj. Alternative form of dysfluent.
DISFLUENT adj. not fluent, also DYSFLUENT.
DYSFLUENTdysfluent adj. Without proper fluency; not fluent.
DYSFLUENT adj. not fluent, also DISFLUENT.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
UNAFFLUENTunaffluent adj. Not affluent.
UNAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
INTERFLUENTinterfluent adj. (Rare or dated, of multiple wavelike objects or figuratively) flowing into one another.
INTERFLUENT adj. flowing between or together, also INTERFLUOUS.
MELLIFLUENTmellifluent adj. Mellifluous.
MELLIFLUENT adj. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUOUS.
NONAFFLUENTnonaffluent adj. Not affluent.
NONAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
SUBAFFLUENTsubaffluent adj. Between the poverty line and affluence.
SUBAFFLUENT adj. less than affluent.
CIRCUMFLUENTcircumfluent adj. Flowing round; surrounding in the manner of a fluid.
CIRCUMFLUENT adj. flowing round, also CIRCUMFLUOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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