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There are 10 words ending with LOBIN

GLOBINglobin n. (Biochemistry) Any globular protein that incorporates a globin fold.
globin n. (Biochemistry) One of several polypeptides that are the protein components of haemoglobin or myoglobin.
GLOBIN n. a protein constituent of haemoglobin.
MYOGLOBINmyoglobin n. (Biochemistry) A small globular protein, containing a heme group, that carries oxygen to muscles.
MYOGLOBIN n. a protein that stores oxygen in muscle.
HEMOGLOBINhemoglobin n. (American spelling) The iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the…
HEMOGLOBIN n. the iron-containing pigment which is the oxygen-carrying substance present in the red blood cells of vertebrates, also HAEMOGLOBIN.
HAEMOGLOBINhaemoglobin n. (British spelling, biochemistry) Alternative spelling of hemoglobin.
hæmoglobin n. Alternative spelling of haemoglobin.
HAEMOGLOBIN n. the iron-containing pigment which is the oxygen-carrying substance present in the red blood cells of vertebrates, also HEMOGLOBIN.
HAPTOGLOBINhaptoglobin n. (Biochemistry) A protein in blood plasma that binds free hemoglobin released from erythrocytes and thereby…
HAPTOGLOBIN n. a protein that combines with free haemoglobin in the blood and prevents its filtration through the kidney.
METHEMOGLOBINmethemoglobin n. (Biochemistry) An oxidized form of hemoglobin, containing ferric rather than ferrous iron, that cannot…
METHEMOGLOBIN n. a soluble brown crystalline basic blood pigment that differs from hemoglobin in containing ferric iron and in being unable to combine reversibly with molecular oxygen.
OXYHEMOGLOBINoxyhemoglobin n. (American spelling) Alternative form of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHAEMOGLOBIN.
METHAEMOGLOBINmethaemoglobin n. Alternative spelling of methemoglobin.
methæmoglobin n. Alternative spelling of methemoglobin.
METHAEMOGLOBIN n. a brown compound of oxygen and haemoglobin formed in the blood by the action of certain drugs.
OXYHAEMOGLOBINoxyhaemoglobin n. (Biochemistry) The form of haemoglobin, loosely combined with oxygen, present in arterial and capillary blood.
oxyhæmoglobin n. Alternative spelling of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHAEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHEMOGLOBIN.
GLYCOHEMOGLOBINglycohemoglobin n. Glycated hemoglobin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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