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There are 8 words ending with LMATE

PALMATEpalmate adj. (Chiefly botany) Having three or more lobes or veins arising from a common point.
palmate adj. (Botany) (leaves) Having more than three leaflets arising from a common point, often in the form of a fan.
palmate adj. (Rare) Having webbed appendage; palmated.
CELLMATEcellmate n. A person with whom one shares a prison cell.
CELLMATE n. the person or persons sharing a prison cell.
SOULMATEsoulmate n. Someone, especially a romantic partner, with whom one is exceptionally or uniquely compatible or has…
soul␣mate n. Alternative spelling of soulmate.
SOULMATE n. a person with whom one is perfectly suited.
LABELMATElabelmate n. A musician or musical act signed to the same record label.
LABELMATE n. a singer or musician who records for the same company as another.
SCHOOLMATEschoolmate n. A person who was a fellow attendee at one’s school.
school␣mate n. Alternative spelling of schoolmate.
SCHOOLMATE n. a companion at school.
SEMIPALMATEsemipalmate adj. Semipalmated.
SEMIPALMATE adj. partly webfooted, also SEMIPALMATED.
TOTIPALMATEtotipalmate adj. (Zoology) Having all four toes united by a web, as in the pelican.
TOTIPALMATE adj. having webbing between each toe, as in pelicans and gannets.
FISSIPALMATEFISSIPALMATE adj. of some birds' feet, partially webbed, having lobes and fringes on separate toes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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