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There are 7 words ending with LEGAL

EXTRALEGALextralegal adj. Occurring outside the law; not governed by law; lawless.
EXTRALEGAL adj. outside the law.
ILLEGALillegal adj. Contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
illegal adj. Breaching certain enacted statutes of positive law; not lawful, not legal (cf. immoral, unethical).
illegal adj. Forbidden by established rules.
LEGALlegal adj. Relating to the law or to lawyers.
legal adj. Having its basis in the law.
legal adj. Being allowed or prescribed by law.
MEDICOLEGALmedicolegal adj. Of, or pertaining to, both medicine and law, as for example with the legal implications of a medical…
MEDICOLEGAL adj. of or relating to both medicine and law.
NONLEGALnonlegal adj. Not law-related; not related to the practice of law.
NONLEGAL adj. not legal.
PARALEGALparalegal n. (Law) One who assists a lawyer in routine legal work, but who is without qualified status as a solicitor…
PARALEGAL adj. assisting a professional lawyer.
PARALEGAL n. a person who assists a professional lawyer.
PRELEGALprelegal adj. In preparation for study at a law school; prelaw.
PRELEGAL adj. occurring before the commencement of studies in law.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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